Dog nipped baby (X-posted)

@agilefeet Omg keep the baby away. The only way if you’ll know if it’s a one time thing is WHEN (not if) it takes a chunk out of your kid’s face. “Oh the dog bit baby in the face so we’re not going to stay there. “ THE END. a nip is a bite.
@agilefeet Just for some perspective, something like 80% of fatal dog attacks happen to a victim that the dog previously targeted. You are absolutely right to not let this dog near your baby ever again. Animals are unpredictable and your baby relies solely on you for protection. You’re doing an amazing job by enforcing this boundary ❤️
@agilefeet So we have a dog who snapped at a close friend’s kid. Didn’t bite, didn’t make contact just scared the shit out of everyone. Since then the dog has been in behavioral therapy AND has literally never been allowed near another kid. We love our dog yada yada but we will never run the risk. If your family members aren’t willing to take the same steps with their dog then unfortunately it falls on you. Which sucks and I’m sorry because clearly their pet has aggression issues
@agilefeet I have a 5-lb dog who was abused for years before we adopted him. He’s got some issues, but he was pretty much through it with a ton of training. Then he went blind and now he’s pretty aggressive again, and frankly I’m not sure what we can really do about it with a toddler running around and him being really old and grouchy these days, poor fella.

So speaking as the person with the problematic dog, that is RIDICULOUS how they are responding. If a dog is a threat to a child, the dog needs to be removed. In our house the dog and the kids are only in the same room when there is an adult there specifically to “guard” the dog. All other time’s he’s outside or in a different room.

Dogs mouths have all sorts of bacteria in them, so even if they don’t break skin you still don’t want that near your baby. And if a dog cannot be trusted around a child, you should not be expected to have your child around that dog. 100%.

I’m so sorry you are in this awkward position. It makes me so mad when dog owners aren’t honest about their pets’ bad behaviour, it’s not going to magically go away. 🙄
@agilefeet Newborn? I Don’t care if it broke skin. If the dog growled at my newborn I’d be pissed. Absolutely nothing wrong with keeping your baby away from a dog that NIPPED your newborn? Even if the baby wasn’t a newborn wtf. I’m not sure why they’re acting like a DOG has more of a place than a literal BABY. Fuck that dog and your family member if they’re going to be ridiculous. Honestly.
@agilefeet Keeping the dog and baby separated is reasonable here. You don’t wait around to find out whether the dog is aggressive with your baby’s life. Better to be safe than sorry. Be straight up and it’ll be on them to decide their feelings on it. Your job is to protect the baby, not their feelings. “Hey we’re so excited for the holidays. We’ve decided to get a hotel this time so we can keep the dog and baby separate. We don’t want to risk another nip.”
@agilefeet I won't write the cruse words. But He to double ll Nope. I would contain my dog around kids. These people are crazy. Your husband is right. Trying to contain a walking wiggle toddler will be hard. Its not awkward its a simple your dog bite our child. To be safe we are staying in hotel.
@agilefeet I would be absolutely mortified if my dog nipped at a child. I wouldn’t expect the parents to be OK with their child(ren) being around my dog again, nor would I trust my dog. Your family can go kick rocks.
@agilefeet You are doing the right thing. You have to protect your baby first because they can’t protect themselves. That dog also clearly didn’t feel safe with your baby, and it’s better for everyone if the dog has its own safe space.
@agilefeet I'm 100% with you. I would absolutely not let the dog around my baby again. I wouldn't give the dog the chance. Baby's safety is always more important than adult feelings. If the owners don't like it, tough. I understand it will make things awkward but your baby needs your protection. I agree that you should stay in a hotel room for the holidays. Can you wear your baby in a baby carrier when you visit so baby isn't around the dog? I'm sorry you're dealing with this.
@agilefeet You shouldn't be the ones feeling awkward. I would be mortified if my dog bit someone's baby. I would also immediately offer to keep the dog on a leash/ away from baby 100% of the time baby was around IF my family member was comfortable staying with us again. You're managing their poor behavior/ reaction to the situation as best you can. Keep setting those boundaries and protect your baby. That's your number one priority. Not their childish hurt feelings.
@agilefeet A while ago before we even had kids I have two angel dogs and we had family coming to stay who were nervous to have their kid around dogs. We kept them separate with no hesitation even though we were confident that they were completely docile and friendly around kids. Happy to do it. Don’t feel bad that you want to keep your child separate from a dog who nipped them. I can’t believe the owners aren’t taking the initiative to do that themselves honestly. The stakes are way too high.
@agilefeet You have every right not to attend company where a dog that has bitten your baby and your cat is included. If my family members did not want to be with my dogs for ANY reason, I would put up a baby gate and only let the dogs in only part of the house so guests can choose to be with them or not. If it was a safety issue, I would just keep the dogs away from people completely. People have a right to decline gathering where they feel unsafe.
@agilefeet Don’t let them make you feel like you’re overreacting. You’re not. You’re doing the right thing to protect your baby. Stand firm.
@agilefeet These people are crazy. How can they be sending jokey videos about this? Over here in the UK this would fall under the dangerous dogs act. I know a dog that was put down for not much more than this.
  1. Make sure all family members with kids know, you can frame it as ‘it was probably nothing but’ you don’t want it on your conscience if the dog bites their kid and you didn’t say
  2. Embrace the awkwardness. The line in the sand is that your kid can’t be around their dog, no question. Hotel room sounds like a great compromise. Sounds like they’re being very dismissive / defensive. Hopefully you can make them realise that you just can’t take the risk.
@agilefeet Stay in the hotel room and ask them to keep the dog up when you visit or you won’t visit. This is very serious and shouldn’t be brushed under the rug to avoid awkwardness. If anyone should feel awkward, it should be them for having a dog that attacks a newborn unprovoked.
@agilefeet I love dogs, have a dog always plan to have one. 100% keep your child away from that dog. A newborn was not provoking the dog, there is no reason for that to have happened. The owners should’ve been appalled and never let the dog around kids again and should be seeking training.
My family story- cousin had dog, friend brought child over, dog bit child but not horrible bite. Bite was reported, and dog required a review and quarantine type deal. Dog was released. Cousin had her SIL over with toddler, dog bit toddler in the face, she had lots of stitches, consult with plastic surgeon , permanent scarring, dog was reported again and they said dog needed to be put down. Owner was shocked. All I could think was YOUR dog but two people and you did nothing about it, you allowed children around said dog.
I’ve had a dog that didn’t like new people. If you ignored her she would ignore you, BUT we kept her leashed and at our side if we have visitors or locked up. And certainly didn’t bring her around to other house.
If they’d rather have the holidays with a dog then that’s on them. Keep your baby safe and stay home.
@agilefeet My cat has bit my kid. Because he was pestering her. My dog bit a neighbor. Because it was dark and he was too close to her people. The fact that this dog bit simply because an adult and child were near it’s space is troubling. Animals have teeth, and should know how to use them. This animal needs training. The owners need training.