Dog nipped baby (X-posted)

@trob It’s not the parents responsibility to watch the dog. It’s the dog owners responsibility, regardless if at their home or guest at someone’s home. If a dog were to attack and hurt a person to the extent of needing medical care the dog owners would be responsible for the bills. So why would they not be monitoring their pet and attempting to avoid any issues especially if it’s brought to someone’s house as it seems to be the case in this post. Who brings a baby swing to visit family? I don’t know of anyone, but I do know many people that bring their dog everywhere….
@agilefeet As a doctor who has seen many kids taken to surgery for severe facial lacerations from dog bites, PLEASE do not let your child anywhere near this dog. Dogs that bite or even snap at a human once, will do so again. Especially considering this was unprovoked, this dog is dangerous. Period. Your family may be pissed but imagine if your baby was disfigured by the dog - it would be an avoidable tragedy, and the rift in your family would be profound.
@roneil If the family members are
Going to have the dog around at family gatherings not in a crate then I might not go to the family gathering
@agilefeet My parents have a dog that is aggressive as hell. He’s attacked me once, attacked my sister once, he chases my mom through the house and acts like he’s going to bite her, he’s bitten my baby when she was about a year old. Twice. I don’t go over hardly at all and I especially will not step foot in that door with my child if that dogs not put in his crate behind a closed door. Dog owners that don’t socialize their dogs are irresponsible. And that’s why so many dogs get put down every year. It’s the negligence of the owners. Your baby could’ve been seriously injured. And you would have every right to sue the dog owners. I love dogs, I’ve always loved dogs. But a dog that bites does not need to be around other people and in some cases where the dog is just not training then it does need to be put down. It’s dangerous. Continuing to have that dog around children without training it is continuously putting children at risk. That’s probably their way of socializing the animal but I don’t think it’s smart to do that without a professions just because it does involve children. I’m glad your baby is okay and nothing serious happened.
@moutons I slightly disagree. My friend brought her child over for a visit. My little dog was sleeping on the back of the couch. In efforts to keep the baby away from my dog I said make sure he doesn't get near the dog, He is scared of children. What does my friend do? Let the baby crawl up the couch, while she is behind him, and touch the dog....the baby got bit. We put our dog in his play pen immediately and apologized profusely. I had warmed her several times not to let the baby near the dog. He was minding his own business far away from the baby and she still put him in a situation to get hurt. I mean, this is also after she let him play with an electrical outlet. All the time commenting about how we don't have safety plugs and our house was not baby proofed....I didn't have children at the time sooo yeah.
@carolyn777 Ya that’s entirely different. My parents have a dangerous dog that will go out of its way to attack people living in the home, people visiting and small children.
@moutons Your talking about a dog that’s been around many children and seems to have a good track record of being socialized. Your situation is NOT this situation so yes, you are projecting your past bad experience onto this situation which does not relate to being unsocialized.
@trob No I’m really not. Save the arguing for your mama. I don’t need a random on the internet telling me about myself, what my intentions are, or what I’m doing. Have a seat.
@agilefeet I trust my dogs implicitly, one of them is an assistance dog. But they still go behind the playpen when I have kids over who will be running around. Because accidents happen and I’d rather be proactive than reactive. You are absolutely justified not wanting their dog to be around your child and the fact that they seem to be mocking you for it? It’s disturbing.
@agilefeet I had an ear unceremoniously removed by a
I now don't let my kids around dogs I don't know...and if I even think a dog may not be ok around my kids, I will avoid the place like the plague.