Dog nipped baby (X-posted)

@agilefeet I think they’re being a bit insensitive. I love my dog, but if he bit an infant, I would not be in the least offended if the parents didn’t want to stay overnight in my house. I think it’s a good compromise actually — you’re getting what you need without asking them to change the rules of their own house, like getting sitter or something for the dog, or making him sleep outside.
@agilefeet I’d take akwardsness over a mauled baby 100% of the time.
Your family are completely irrational here, babies die from dog bites every year, it’s not something to take lightly.

I have several family members with aggressive dogs, one of them once attacked my niece, had to drag it off her. I take no chances with my kids, I love dogs, have been a dog owner most of my life, but some people are just not very good dog owners. If it gets akward it’s their fault, I keep my kids away from dogs I don’t know and trust.
I had a dog that stepped on a baby’s hand once, the baby cried and I was upset for days, a completely normal reaction in my view. Babies are so fragile and precious.

Get the hotel room, tell it like it is. It will cause way more tension if that dog bites your kid in the face again.
@agilefeet My sister in law has 7 dogs. 7 different rescue dogs all under the same roof, and two of them have to be separated at all times because they’ve gotten into it twice. We do not bring our toddler there because we just don’t trust them, don’t get me wrong they’re lovely dogs, but a toddler is a toddler, uncontrollable sometimes. She takes major offense to it, but we just can’t take that risk. It’s your baby, your decisions, your family is just going to have to get over it. Don’t let them try and convince you everything will be okay, if it happened once there’s a chance it can happen again.
@katrina2017 I love this. My sister has two
Small sweet dogs but we are still very careful
With my baby and the dogs. Our toddler knows gentle hands and we do not let him pet the dogs when they are eating or play fighting. Seven dogs is a lot.
@mamak We also have 3 large dogs at home, but they’re around my son every single day, so they’re used to it, and watched him grow etc… but the other dogs, you just never know. One could be protective of my sister in law and attack my son when he’s playing with her or get jealous she’s giving him attention… it’s just the dogs instinct. I don’t blame anyone in the situation, I’m just protecting my son. Some dogs just don’t do well with kids and that’s it.
@katrina2017 This is the right answer. No one should have to put their dogs away because your toddler cannot be trusted around them. You’re free to not come. That makes perfect sense. But there are so many entitled people on this thread who’s children have no manners/supervision and cannot figure out why people won’t put their dogs away. Because YOU are in THEIR house.
@trob You missed the point.
And the point is that OP plans to do exactly that, but the family member with the dog is OFFENDED by this and expects them to go on as nothing occured, even stay with them (when op stated they will be staying at the hotel).

Yes, the dog has rights in it’s home, but then you can’t get offended if someone doesn’t want to stay there.
@hunor999 Oh I 100% Agee with that point and I agree with them not staying there. That is the right choice. I’m NOT ok with people saying they should put their dog away to accommodate them.
@trob You'll still be liable when your dog injures whether the parents were properly supervising their kids or not. If your dog is a risk to another person in your home why would you not put them away even if just for your own liability?
@agilefeet My in-laws dog has bitten my everyone in their family. He stays OUTSIDE the entire time we are at their house. He doesn’t come inside until we have gone to bed and closed the door to our room.

Dog attacks can be fatal, especially to infants. Most fatal dog attacks happen with a dog that has shown some aggression before. This may be abnormal behavior for that particular dog, but who’s to say it won’t happen again?

Do whatever it takes to keep your baby safe. If someone doesn’t like it, don’t back down.
@agilefeet I’m just commiserating because this is crazy town. It’s a baby! You should not be bullied like this. I’m so sorry. My parents have done passive aggressive shit like this, basically downplaying my feelings, never admitting they are wrong. It’s always underhanded in some way disguised as “we just care so much.”
Some advice, say “the baby is completely helpless and I am the protector of my child. Can you please put the dog in another room?” I’m sorry but I love my fur babies, but human newborn has to trump Rover.

ETA: maybe tell them not to take it personally, you like Rover, you just can’t risk it. If they give you more shit or more weird pictures of it not biting children get the hotel room. Shit get the room anyway! It’s better to have space for your family :)
@agilefeet I love dogs but am also perhaps irrationally terrified of dog attacks. If only for your mental well-being, do what you have to do to help you feel like your baby is safe. Get the hotel room. Don't let anyone pressure you into putting your baby in a situation you're uncomfortable with. Doesn't matter if it's awkward, that's your baby.
@katrina2017 I don't think it's irrational at all. Tens of thousands of dog bite incidents happen every year and dog bite fatalities are often in children under 4.

When I was 5-6 years old, I witnessed my neighbor (a year younger than me) getting attacked by a golden retriever. Got him by the neck and the doctor said if it were 1/4 inch deeper, he could have died.
@agilefeet DO NOT trust any dog around your infant. Even a well trained dog. There have been so many incidents where dogs have mauled babies. Do not risk your child’s life around an animal; as they often react unexpectedly.

Be safe.
@agilefeet For perspective, my SIL (who has no children) has a very old and toothless dog. She TRIED to nip at my daughter even though my daughter was admittedly bothering the dog in a way she is not supposed to. SIL apologized profusely and kept checking to make sure the dog didn’t actually bite my daughter. Without me even asking she has put that dog in a back room any time we come over now.

Accidents happen but they need to realize then that the dog needs to be kept away from the baby.
@trob Yes. Agreed. I have a dog myself. Just saying, this instant was NOT the dog owners fault and she still took action because no one wants to see someone get hurt by a dog.

The OP is posting about a literal baby. Who I am guessing cannot harass a dog since they are a baby in a rocker.