Does it sound like I’m at risk of preterm labor?


New member
Hey all. I have to start with- a hospital trip is $2600, atleast, every time WITH insurance. I also have a great OB who is taking my concerns in stride- but this keeps happening late evening/night so it’s the hospital trip or trying to explain to my Dr a week after the fact.

I have had Braxton-Hicks contractions since 22 weeks. Hate them, but they were true to definition and I could get them gone with some water and some rest.

This is different. I am 33 weeks, 4 days right now. At about 29.5 weeks, I had some mucus with a twinge of blood. I didn’t know what a mucus plug was/looked like, but I can say now it looked like 1/3 to 1/2 of a mucus plug. I also had a leak of floral-scented water. Enough to wet through my panties and a little down my thigh, but nothing huge. 2 days later, I had the most pressure I’ve ever felt. At where my pelvic bone is normally, just above it was a HARD ball. It felt like his head, and there were shoulders above it. Couldn’t feel above that, but even my husband felt it through my skin. I have a high cervix and tiny fingers, before pregnancy I would have to do gymnastics to ever feel the thing. I could feel my cervix. I had “Braxton-Hicks” contractions but they were hard core. My belly would get hard, but they never organized. I eventually got this to stop, and I was about 2 days before 30 weeks.

31.5 weeks- it’s back. The contractions, the head (never the shoulders again THANK GOD) but I couldn’t feel my cervix. His heartbeat was perfect, but really low in my lowest part of my stomach. So it wasn’t as bad, but the contractions were a little worse. In was gone in a shorter time, maybe 2 hours ish.

At 32 w 1 d, dr checked my cervix and did an amniotic fluid test. We were good. Said he still wants to check with ultrasound at 34 weeks. We went over when to go to the hospital.

2 days ago, 33 weeks 1 day. I woke up the night before in contractions, a first, but they were just strong-ish Braxton- Hicks so I went back to bed after half a water bottle. I just felt something was off that morning, like something was off but I had so much energy. Went to work, and at 1:30 it started. It was 8 HOURS long. The contractions were insane, my stomach was rock hard during them by about 4pm. I did my at-home Doppler and his heartbeat was low in position, about at my panty-line. The contractions were about 3-6 minutes apart, but only organized for just shy of 40 minutes. At one point my lower back was so sore I could only be on my hands and knees. I did everything I could to stop it. At hour 8 I was starving and things had slowed down for about 45 min and weren’t organized for about 1.5 hours, so we got some food.

Side note: everytime this happens pelvic area gets hot. Idk if it’s relevant.

Since then, I have been laying around, staying hydrated, floated in the pool to keep gravity away. If I walk around for more than 20 minutes, the “Braxton Hicks” are back. I don’t think they are Braxton Hicks at this point, but I’ve not lost any water and there is only a slight mucus change to my discharge, nothing significant and might just be from swimming- because it was only for a one-time bathroom break that I noticed.

I just can’t deal with another hospital bill (we went 2 times in this pregnancy, the first having liver trouble and delirious with HG and the second everything was “normal” and was when I was about 27 weeks). I just can’t do another thousands of dollars “normal”.

Have any of you gone through this? Should I be worried? At what point should I just throw in the towel and go to the hospital? I don’t want to induce these contractions to prove a point, so I’m scared that with where I’m at- I’ll just get a “this is normal” sentiment. My next dr appt is Wednesday morning.

My son’s kick test is great and heart beat is perfect. When I feel that ball, that I am almost certain is his head, start positioning down in my pelvis I lay down immediately.

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