@healihealiheal Just had my LO Earlier this week and I don’t think I could live without all the onesies my mom got for him. She told me that he’d live in them once he’s here and she was not wrong. So thankful for the double zippers too! So convenient!!
@healihealiheal Yup! Sleepers 100% of the time. And honestly for the first month he only wore a diaper and we just did constant skin to skin. We got so many clothes as gifts too and never used them.
@healihealiheal Onesie 24/7. My husband and I had this same conversation multiple times with our first, and my position still stands with our second who is approaching 2 weeks old: Why would we ever dress her in anything EXCEPT a onesie?? It's by far the most practical choice. Anyone who says otherwise is doing it for the 'grams.
@healihealiheal Sleep and plays make up most of my son's wardrobe. However, I've started to do more pants and sweater outfits because he cries less in his car seat when his chest clip isn't pressing his zipper against his chest. His sleep and play onesies are definitely easier to dress him in and do a diaper change though