Does anyone else have a BBB List? The "Before Baby Bucket List"?

@gupta We talked about having a vacation on the pre-baby bucket list but wound up canceling those plans in favor of adding a back porch onto our house. Now, our only item on the "fun" list is to float the river near where we live. We try to do it at least once every summer, it's a great weekend activity!
@gupta We also had a fun and a serious list. 😊
Go two towns over and spend a few nights in a hotel and pretend we are from "out of town."
The Flaming Lips concert
Do a boudoir photo shoot (it was DHs birthday present)
To do before TTC:
See Everclear
See Blink 182
Go to Disney World! We are actually starting on our trip.
Things to do while I'm pregnant but no baby yet:
Go to Washington DC and spend a week in museums
Go to the Masters one more time. (This is a work thing. I usually go and work Masters week every year as a restaurant manager. They need help at the Augusta store because of volume and I think it's so fun. It's the craziest busy week you can imagine, actually it is the busiest week of any of our 200 stores all year. I live for it.)
Yeah, we like music. Haha.
@leopard1 We went to the Summerland tour last year, which included Sugar Ray, Lit, Everclear, and Sponge. It was definitely a blast from the past! I don't see 2017 tour dates, but look out for it!
@leopard1 Oh, I'd like to pretend we're out of towners sometimes, probably going to steal that and the weekend trip idea!

I can see you like music, haha, I bet your kid(s) will grow up with great taste in music just like you guys!

Enjoy Masters, sounds excitingly hectic haha
@gupta I guess I kind of have a list like this! Some are things as a couple and some are personal goals. I personally am taking Mandarin Chinese classes because I have always wanted to learn, and I'm also enjoying playing in my school's symphony orchestra and in a klezmer ensemble, both of which I probably won't be able to do when we have a small child.

For us as a couple, we are planning a trip to Taiwan and Hong Kong right before TTC-- actually, our main reason for taking a break between August and November is to make sure that morning sickness doesn't ruin my enjoyment of all the street food and night markets. : )
@gupta Not BBB list but if you are west siders you should FOR SURE go to either Beth's cafe or thirteen coins for your late night dinner/breakfast - for me its the most iconic Washington moment
@mirror_love Thank you for the breakfast suggestions! I hadn't started my research yet but I'll probably just go with Beth's Cafe, looks small but I bet it isn't so crowded at midnight.

Thank you! :)
@gupta I'm giggling to myself at work imagining you guys in sweatpants and jerseys at a house party being like "well...tick" lol 😂😂. Good on you though, i think it's awesome!!
Neither my partner or I have travelled much, and going on an "OE" (overseas experience) is basically What You Do here during/after uni - my brother spent six months backpacking South America and my sister worked around Europe and now works in London. So we're going on a short (budget 👎🏼) trip to California for two weeks and then we're gonna make a baby. It was the only big thing SO wanted to do before hand, so off we go!! 🛫
@gupta I love your list! It's so fun and refreshing.

Literally my list is to ovulate, and secretly hoping my husband will suggest we start right away (we plan to start September but I'm losing it. Why not start now???)

I guess we also want to go camping with friends one more time (aka all day and night drinking) as we wouldn't be up to doing it pregnant or with an infant.
@acult Haha, right? Sometimes I wish husband would say "Let's just go now!" but we are waiting for a reason, he keeps me grounded in reality. If I had my way we'd have a million animals and no money!

I'm finding that the list is making the wait easier. I'm soooo looking forward to getting pregnant BUT I'm also looking forward to the things on the list, so that helps a bit :)
@gupta OK THIS... the No Money thing is making me panic. Will we ever really have money? Last year we got engaged, bought a house, and got married. post-wedding we realized we were in so much credit card debt, that the gifts didn't wipe it away. Then he didn't get a raise, which we were expecting. Now we're closing in on our 1 year wedding anniversary and I'm afraid to start TTC becuase we're not out of debt, and our savings was I belive $3.03 this morning?

And I wonder if its silly to wait for money? Is that reasonable?
@christopherdombrowski This is my opinion, of course, but I think it is perfectly reasonable and smart to wait because of money.

That is one reason why we are waiting until September because we'll have hit our savings goal by then.

I have my direct deposit split so that a portion goes into a completely separate money market account and the other into our joint account. I've been slowly increasing how much is going into the Money Market account. My goal is to basically have 100% of my income go into the Money Market account before I need to leave work for baby reasons. I'm about 40% there, so we have a ways to go, but by going slowly it hasn't been a huge shock. I feel like that was important for us to be successful. Then we'll have a nest of money and be used to the reduced income before baby arrives.

Getting married and buying a house are two big expenses, you will have money some day, but it will take planning and discipline.

We didn't even consider trying until my spreadsheet showed me that we could save money still on only one income. No, it's not a lot of money and frankly, it's more of a buffer (it's like $300) but that is why we are doing such a rigorous savings plan.

I hope that helps you in some way!
@gupta Next month we will tick off mountaineering 4000m peaks in the Alps. (13000ft?) My bf doesn't know that this is officially on the BBB list but whatever! He always wanted to do that!