Does anyone else’s kid survive on snacks and snacks only?

@ruanddrew Yeah my kid is aging out of /toddlers bc he’s 4, but /preschoolers just isn’t so active so I stay here lol but YES! He eats fruit - strawberries, banana, orange, apple and then everything else is pretty limited - Goldfish, pretzel sticks, yogurt, yogurt pouches, oatmeal luckily, peanut butter on wheat bread, pbj... BACON, pretty much that’s it. He’s healthy but sometimes I do worry. I know he’ll get there in time.
@ruanddrew Yes and I feel so so stressed about it. Hes addicted to pediasure so I’ve been watering it down and trying my hardest to get him to eat. (Less pediasure or chocolate milk) I do muffin tin meals and shapes and critter forks…I mean I do try. A lot of the time it goes to the dog. But I try.

I try to go with if they are hungry they will eat…and all I can do is offer it. My son does have some sensory processing issues and just prefers a nice crunchy anything.
@ruanddrew Ours is like that too. One tip I try to live by is don’t give up, keep offering the food you’re eating because if you stop putting the broccoli or whatever on their plate the chances they’ll try it really do go down to 0. Sometimes all my 2 year old does is pick up the broccoli and lick it, and I try to count that as a win because at least she interacted with it!

One thing that’s helping us is when I’m preparing food I will either try to get her involved or if that’s not possible I leave some of whatever veggie I’m cutting out on a paper towel near the edge of the counter, or on the kitchen table. Then she inevitably sneaks up and grabs it, and usually she’ll eat some of it. Food on her plate = boring. Food she thinks she’s being sneaky by “stealing” = interesting and tasty. We also never pressure her to try things, that way there’s no battle of the wills, it’s just dinner.
@ruanddrew My daughter is only ever interested in food she sees us eating so we wait and see what she likes that we have and we serve her off our plates.
@ruanddrew My mother always told me that when I was young "food solved everything" - I was perpetually hungry and there were only a few things I wouldn't eat. I actually ate "good foods" better than most kids - salads and meals of vegetables only as a young kid.

My 4 year old, on the other hand, could care less about food.
@ruanddrew Solidarity OP! I thought I was alone and had just about given up on feeding my child.

We are stuck in a vicious cycle of bananas, yogurt, fries, cheese, and rice. Anything else gets thrown on the floor.
@ruanddrew I have found that having a "not now" bowl to the side where my kid can throw some of the food into has helped. I guess they just found a full plate intimidating since they often go back to the "not now" bowl. I keep a routine for meals so they know what to expect, but even with all that we still end up doing a few snacks of just cherrios, or cheese, or fruit pouches. I tell myself that I gave all the possible nutritious food, and they decided how much of it they'll eat.
@ruanddrew I just randomly saw this, don't have toddlers anymore, but one thing that I did was take little half cup bowls and anything I put in there was a "snack". Sometimes goldfish, sometimes fruit, sometimes cold leftover cooked vegetables. TO THIS DAY my 14yo, 12yo and 8yo prefer cold cooked veggies (I microwave frozen veg). And they like them all perfectly plain, just steamed no butter no salt.

Also, they still like"snacky dinner" which is small portions of food served in a muffin tin. It's fabulous for leftover night. I use 6 hole muffin tins and one will be meat, one starch, one fruit, one veg, one sweet and one random depending on what we have in the fridge.
@ruanddrew Our pediatrician says if they get one good meal a day that is good. And I think in daycare it’s more peer pressure to eat. My kid loves guac so even if she just eats a guac single and milk or Greek yogurt and milk. She also loves fruit .
@ruanddrew Yeah my little toddler has recently decided that she would only eat cheerios, puffs, crackers and yogurt. In fact, she had cheerios for both breakfast and dinner yesterday. Refused to eat anything else. I’m hoping this phase ends soon because I’m getting stressed out
@ruanddrew Somedays yes. He doesn't like dinner in particular and ends up with a snack afterwards. I'm kind of at a loss. I don't believe forcing him to eat when he doesn't want to is right, and reintroducing the same foods over and over hasn't been super successful.
@ruanddrew Yes, we’ve been doing this for about 2 months. I just keep offering food until something changes. Mine is also not eating the same thing… DAY TO DAY 😩 He loves yoghurt one day then cries at mere fact I offered it the next day. How. Dare. It’s been fun over here. I’ve had to make sure there is every available option in the house. Send help. I know it’s a phase too, and like you according to daycare( and maw maw) he eats great. …
@ruanddrew Yep. My son will be 2 in a few months and he’s likely on the spectrum. Most of his snacks are packaged. I try to buy healthier versions and offer more substantial food/smoothies but he prefers snacks. It’s fine. I’m just happy he’s eating and his pediatrician isn’t concerned either 🤷🏼‍♀️