Do you think she's hungry? (Rant)

@luv100 Yes. And this x100000 when they suddenly go into a growth spurt or start cluster feeding...

Okay.. You can’t be hungry, because I literally just fed you 20 minutes ago. So I guess I’ll check your diaper, check if you’re too hot / cold, reswaddle you, burp you, cuddle you, burp you again, oh wait, I guess you really are hungry AGAIN. Unbe-fuccing-lievable.

Meanwhile said helpful person is like “see, he’s hungry. Why didn’t you just feed him?”

Oh my god. If it weren’t illegal to murder someone...
@ravenblue It's also the worst when my nipples feel like they are on fire from being hoovered for the last 6 hours straight. Yes, I will exhaust every other possible option before trying to nurse again because I will get searing pain on a very sensitive part of my body. Especially since it will take a minimum of 5 minutes to get a let down because, did I mention, I've been nursing constantly the last 6 hours? Why don't you stick some needles in your nipples? Maybe that will stop her from crying. Oh, you want to try something else first? Me too.
@luv100 Hoovered haha. Lansinoh lanolin saved my nipples the first 3 months of nursing. I slathered that on like no tomorrow and used reusable soft cotton nursing pads and slathered those too. Hope you get some relief soon.
@katrina2017 But if lanolin makes it worse, don't persevere with it - you can have an allergy to it! That stuff made me want to scratch my poor nipples off, but I kept on with it for weeks because people kept telling me how good it was. Not for me, it turns out! There is non lanolin based cream out there as well.
@juanpabloic So glad the lactation consultant at the hospital asked if I was sensitive to wool. She recommended coconut oil, which is so smooth to apply and doesn’t have to come off before LO nurses. I used to side-eye the cult of coconut but I am a convert now!
@believerbyknowledge Added bonus: you smell like delicious coconut. I use it on my son’s face when he gets dry patches of skin because best case scenario, his skin is better, worst case scenario, his skin is still dry but he smells like coconut.
@luv100 Aww I feel you! They told me two weeks for the nipples to adjust but it took me six. It got so bad I cried every time we latched. Lanolin and breast shields are the bomb btw.
@ravenblue Toothless newborn with questionable latch. Definitely. But my toddler can hurt more if she is squirming or talking or whining. My toddler not only has a better latch but is better at inducing a let-down so the pain doesn't last as long.
@luv100 As others gave said coconut oil for the win!

If you get a cracked nipple try to find time to put Neosporin or antibacterial cream on it then wash off before next feeding. It healed mine in like 3 days vs the 7 days of misery using coconut oil. Coconut oil is great for everyday multiple times use until your nipples can handle it. By month 2 I no longer needed the oil.
@ravenblue Ha, I know this is terrible but I always just start by offering the tit, even if he’s just eaten. If he’s tired it’ll put him out, if he’s cold or overstimulated it’ll warm him up and calm him down, if he’s annoyed by the hiccups or gas it’ll cure that, and sometimes even if he’s complaining about a wet diaper or something else it’ll chill him out anyway - and my lazy ass didn’t have to move. If I get my nipple out fast enough I get to preempt my dad’s favorite piece of parenting advice: “stick a tit in that baby!” 🙄
@lukyjim Me too! This baby has always loved to eat, even if he just ate five minutes ago. If in doubt, offer him a boobie. He’s nearly 1 now and I still employ the solve-all boobies when we’re out and he gets grumpy. My milk is drying up pretty rapidly now, I’m gonna make use of my super power while I still can
@lukyjim That's how my first was! But I think I didn't have as good of a supply with her, so maybe she was just in a perpetual state of, "Yeah, I could eat". This one will straight up clench her mouth, arch her back, and turn her head if she's not actually hungry.