Do you think she's hungry? (Rant)

@luv100 Literally I was at the doctor's office last year, my 4 month old got shots and I nursed him after to comfort him. I buckle him in the carseat 15 minutes later and he fusses because its uncomfortable, my husband WHO WAS THERE FOR THE FEEDING is like "well maybe hes hungry again" like...... I love you and I need to repeat that so I dont call you stupid.
@luv100 Haha and 6 month down the line, still happens 😂 It will always happen. Good luck with patience!

I purposely feed mine before I go anywhere so he's definitely NOT hungry and I enjoy giving a stern NOPE if someone suggests he's hungry.

It also bugs me when he pulls a face and everyone expects him to be doing a poo. Erm, no... He's just pulling a face and he dumped a litre this morning so I know for a fact he hasn't done anything. I know when he does one because I'm with him 24/7 and I can smell it because he's mine. Jesus, if he shit as often as everyone says there would be nothing left of him!
@luv100 O.m.g. THIS!!
Feeding him is the first thing I think of. Recently I was at the in laws cottage and company came for dinner. I smartly fed my 3month old moments before they arrived and was asked within the first 30 minutes, 6 times, 6 fucking times by 5 different people (some of who I'd never even met before and all were in the same room when the others asked) if he was hungry. NO HE'S NOT FUCKING HUNGRY, HE PROBABLY DOESN'T LIKE YOU!!! Babies get fussy for many reasons! It is infuriating and I feel your pain
@luv100 Just for people reading along: if you are breastfeeding, your baby needs to eat every 30 minutes to 3 hours (not every 2-3 hours).

But it's never OK to tell a mom what to do -- unless she's hitting her kids in public. Then you get to ask if she's OK and if she needs help.
@luv100 I’m gonna be that lady some day soon. I weened my baby in like May but sometimes when he’s cranky I know he wants a snack because my boobs feel funny. I can tell when a baby crying in public is hungry the same way.
@ametsam Probably?

I’m not going to just tell moms their baby is hungry, the mom already knows.

But if there is a new Mom out at a restaurant stressing out about, well, everything, I’d be the one saying how cute tiny baby crying is (it is now!) and that everyone else gets to eat so the baby should too.
@katrina2017 They also cry because they pooped their diaper, have gas, are feeling clingy and insecure and just want to be held, don't want to be swaddled, want to be swaddled, overtired, overstimulated, bored. So, lots of exceptions.
@ravenblue Of course they do, but if they want cuddles, they will stop crying when you pick them up. If you’re holding your baby and it’s crying and carrying on long enough for someone to say “do you think she’s hungry?” She probably is.
@katrina2017 People will say that the moment she starts fussing, though. And maybe your baby instantly calms down as soon as they get what they want/need (lucky you), but mine always take a minute to come down from their freakout. Even if they were crying because of hunger, they will "hmph hmph hmph" while nursing.
@katrina2017 My DD cried if she wasn't the perfect temperature, held at the perfect angle, gassy, a drop of liquid was in her diaper, being overtired, and hungry. Diagnosed with colic at four weeks too for some extra fun. I wish she only cried when she was hungry!
@katrina2017 If that was the case, wouldn't she continue crying until she eats? Sometimes she'll just randomly cry for like 10-20 minutes then fall asleep for 2 hours. Also, I do check if she wants to eat. Meaning, I'll put a finger in front of her mouth and see if she roots for it or I'll actually put my boob in her face and she'll refuse.
@luv100 If they cry before they fall asleep that's normal and they're probably just overtired. They just cry for any reason. I had a list I'd go through before I fed, poop, No? Gas, no? Hot/cold, no.

Guess I'll feed you again.

The most useful thing I was told was that if they seem hungry, but pull off soon after latching and cry then they're probably hungry but gassy, so you need to burp. Most of it is a mystery to me though.
@luv100 Basically if she cries, give her a boob (not a finger, that really only works the first few days before they realize there is a difference). She may not be hungry but doesn’t know how to self soothe when tired and boob will help. I honestly can’t imagine letting my newborn cry for more than 2 minutes without shoving a boob in their face.