Do you think she's hungry? (Rant)

@luv100 After a while with our kids we got to learn the issue from the cry itself. Then we even started recording and showing others the nuances. For the people around us regularly, it made a world of difference with them and their understanding.
@luv100 Yโ€™all are making me nervous!!! Iโ€™m due with my first on Thursday. I already canโ€™t stand when people talk about how small I am. I canโ€™t deal with more โ€œadviceโ€.
@luv100 Yes!!!! My daughter is 3 weeks old and people LOVE suggesting that I feed her every time she cries. Forget the fact that I fed her 5 minutes ago.
@luv100 One other thing I learned is that sometimes baby just wants to be on the boob not for nutrition but for comfort, and thatโ€™s more than ok, itโ€™s not spoiling, itโ€™s what baby needs!ya
@timhsu_ca I understand that. This ain't my first rodeo lol I've been nursing for the last year and half straight! I'm talking about when she is not rooting, has recently refused my boob, and is still crying. That does happen. She's sometimes tired or wants to be held or swaddled or something.
@luv100 My 6 week old does this. Sometimes he just wants to be held, or swaddled, or just wants to cry for a second and then he calms down. The first thing a mom ALWAYS thinks is that they might be hungry, even if they just ate. But if they just ate, most times we try different things first to see if thatโ€™s the issue before resorting to a feed. My favorite is thinking that he doesnโ€™t need to be changed because he was JUST changed, newsflash, he just filled that whole diaper and is still fussy even though everything else is fine. I donโ€™t know anyone who would want to sit in a wet diaper, let alone a baby who canโ€™t communicate any other way than crying.
@luv100 Omg my husband used to do this when or daughter was a newborn. Not to be annoying, but just because he was unsure of himself. It drove me nuts. I just had the baby attached to my boob 20 minutes ago, for the love of god, go try another way to settle her so I can have a break!!!! Luckily he got his footing and stopped doing that lol
@luv100 my mom does this. except she'll say "do you think he needs to be 'topped off'? i think you need to 'top him off'." I've turned it into a joke to lighten the mood every time she asks. cuz it's like.........

NO! goddamn.
@luv100 This made me laugh because I wanted to strangle everyone when they would suggest that baby was hungry literally right after Iโ€™d fed him. No heโ€™s just a baby and is trying to figure out life and how to function. Sometimes babies just get fussy! I feel for you. It gets better (which Iโ€™m sure you are tired of hearing too but itโ€™s true). The other thing thatโ€™d frustrate me was when ppl would say I should bathe him every day and constantly kept telling me that. No my son has sensitive skin and doesnโ€™t need one everyday. You do you and walk away when ppl say stupid crap. They mean well but donโ€™t realize youโ€™re tired and frustrated. Hang in there. Also a nipple shield might help save your nipples for his marathon feedings
@luv100 My mom does this shit all the damn time. I had to tell ber.... B just ate 9 oz of formula WITH oatmeal cereal in it. No... She isn't hungry. She did not being through all of that formula that fast. But please try to feed my daughter again and waste expensive formula and give her reflux. Sounds like a great fucking idea.
@luv100 Just had my friend say that about my 9 week old. Just fed her 4 oz bottle and my baby was being fussy and my friend said you should feed her more. I responded with why and should I just keep feeding her because she is fussy? And her response was yes. I was so mad and upset. It's MY BABY. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL ME HOW TO TAKE CARE OF HER.