Do you think she's hungry? (Rant)

How fucking convienient for you to come up with a solution while also being completely fucking useless!

YES!!!! Oh maybe she's hungry! I'll give the baby to you so that I can be absolved of having to figure out how to get her to stop crying.

I mean, maybe she is hungry. Or maybe you could try bouncing her for more than 3 seconds then giving up and handing her to me since I took the rare opportunity to do literally anything else besides holding the baby for just a couple of minutes.

@luv100 My husband has admitted that he used “do you think he’s hungry?” to get me to take the baby every time. Drives me nuts. Like no, I just fed him...

But then my kid will always take the boob anyway, because it’s a boob.
@luv100 I'm fucking dying. I feel this so hard! Oh my god, PREACH. My baby was hardcore going through a sleep regression, and we were going on Week 4 of just horrible, terrible sleep. My dad and my aunt kept saying, "Wow, do you think it's because of the shots yesterday?" (referencing the standard four month vaccines). I explained that no, it most likely wasn't related due to the issue having began a month before the shots were even administered, so...still, my dad kept saying "Yeah, [Baby Name] feels hot, feels warm, bet there's a fever, it's the shots, etc." I honestly thought I was going to sucker punch my father.
@luv100 This this this. Like that’s the go to solution anytime a baby is crying. This is why it makes me nervous to leave her with anyone because that would be their response to every cry. Also from same person who always asks if they are hungry, when I start to feed them 3 hours after last feeding “you’re feeding her again? She just ate!” Oh. My. Goshhhhhhhhh. Yes babies eat often. I’m tracking it. I literally keep a log. Quit questioning me!
@luv100 Oh thank goodness I thought it was just me. Yes. My FIL does this every time he sees us. Every time the baby fusses a bit. No I don't think she's hungry or I WOULD BE FEEDING HER. Trust me, I thought of it before you did mate. Now bugger off and let me put my TIRED baby to bed.
@luv100 Mine is only 11 days old and it’s the opposite- ‘she can’t be hungry again’.... my boobs are literally tingling like spider senses - GIMME MA BABY and I will settle her!
@luv100 For my In laws family it’s ALWAYS “i think she had tummy trouble” and then just lets her squirm and cry being held. When really it’s thatshe doesn’t want to be held. But they use the squirming and her near constant farting as proof it’s her tummy.

No. Your whole family constantly farts, and she quieted the second your put her down. She’s 7 months and doesn’t want to be held down.
@luv100 Thaaank you as another mother of a 3 week old (well, two of them actually). Can we please run through the various options which DON'T involve my breasts first?
@luv100 I always got - are you sure she's hungry, and it's not something else? Are you feeding her too much? Yeah, I think I'd know that. 3 chubby baby rolls on one thigh and everybody gotta be fat-shaming my 3 month old.
@luv100 Ugh. My mom would always say, "I think she's gassy." Literally any time my daughter cried, it must be gas. You haven't taken care of a baby for 30 years. Calm down.
@luv100 Just going to put it out there . . . If you're breastfeeding, a healthy baby can empty their stomach in 30 minutes. So, I always tried seeing if he was hungry first just because it's a quick fix?
@luv100 My favorite spin on this:

Feed baby, KNOW HE IS FINE. Like to my core, in the depths of my soul, I know he is FO SHO just fine for at least 30-60 minutes. Relay this to non-gestating/non-lactating spouse and say I’m going to lay down. Spouse appears 10 min later, “I think he’s hungry.” NOPE. figure it out and don’t darken this door for 50 more min.
@luv100 My son is 2 and when he gets fussy and my MIL is visiting, she always says, "oh! He's so tired!"


No, he's not. He just got up from a 2 hour nap 40 minutes ago. He's a toddler and he's frustrated because his schedule and routine get thrown out the window when we have guests and his response to frustration is usually a little tantrum. Ignore it or turn on a show for him and it will pass.
@abdielabiram This! Why can't people understand that babies act differently when something new or out of the ordinary is happening? I learned this when babysitting. Parents would tell me what their kid should do and then I'd be exhausted and worried because what that parent told me would happen, did not happen. Babies have some sense of familiarity and when that is disrupted they get fussy. It is OK! Unfortunately my LO got used to having people around all the time for the 1st month, so she is more fussy when it's just me and her. (I'm convinced she is an extrovert) But that's changing, thankfully.