Do you think she's hungry? (Rant)

@alisonm328 god the guessing game is the worst. i was so relieved when my first kid started talking. it cut down on the “what’s wrong with you?” roulette a ton. when you’ve been trying to settle the baby for the last 40 minutes there’s nothing you can suggest that i haven’t already tried so shut the fuck up please and thanks.
@alisonm328 What's the non puke kind of reflux? My baby is 17 days old, but gained 1 lb from week 1 to week 2 and feeds every 1-2 hours, and you're right, it it's torture.
@gregoryt89 Silent reflux. My son would arch his back during feedings and eventually I noticed the milk coming back up in his mouth over an hour after eating. He would make a disgusted face and gag and swallow the milk. It came up curdled in his mouth and smelled bad. He only slept 2 to 3 hours at a time at night at 3 months old and that's when he started the reflux med. He also sounded raspy by then.
@gregoryt89 It may just be them though. I don't believe my baby has/had silent reflux but he ate near constantly the first two weeks. He's over 2 months now and it's tapered off a lot. Great two month checkup and normal growth.
@alisonm328 This comment is like therapy. Lol. It really is tough to manage feeding a baby with reflux sometimes and you have to be a bear to make sure nobody fucks up their entire day by feeding them too soon!!!
@luv100 HAHAHA, is your family my family?!? Just wait, because they will share their genius, never-thought-of ideas with you on everything.... when my almost-2 year olds speech wasn't developing as fast as we had expected, you wouldn't believe how many times people (thanks mom) suggested I "just teach him to talk". btw, I'm board certified as a Behavior Analyst, have studied Verbal Behavior extensively, and work with autistic kids focusing on their communication deficits. but oh crap, I knew I forgot something from my to-do list! I should've just taught him to talk.... duh. 🤦🏼‍♀️
@mrjoya1234 Have you tried reading him some books?

JK! Lol! Its like they think we aren't constantly troubleshooting our children. Excuse me, this is literally my job. I'm pretty sure I've already spent more mental energy than you problem-solving, so the first thing that pops into your head likely popped into mine hours/weeks/centuries ago.
@luv100 We had that all the time too. The worst was when we were hiking with our friends and a baby the same age and their baby was crying (formula fed and had just down a huge bottle of formula). Some know it all was loudly tramping through the forest saying very loudly he’s hungry and shaking her head. She even said it to complete strangers. Finally we flipped their kid around so he was facing out in the ergo and he passed out straight away. Nope not hungry just wanted a different view.
@luv100 Why is it with kids instead of people just taking your opinion on it and saying “ok” they ALWAYS have to add theirs? Ok geniuses.

(Couple of weeks ago in the chemist) lady: Awww what a cute baby.
Me: yeah he’s not feeling great, bit of a cold.
Lady: maybe it hayfever.
(spongebob meme) Me: maYbe itS HayFevEr!
Lol kidding I wish I had done that but I just smiled and say oh maybe.... yeah we all had the cold in our house so...
@luv100 My LO is 4 years now. When I nursed I suffered from DMER (dysphoric milk ejection reflex). So basically, every time I let down I’d start sobbing and frequently have suicidal thoughts. So yeah, I realized she may have been hungry, but I was damn sure going to check every other possible thing before putting myself through that again, especially if she had just eaten.

I realized later this was because I’m trans. I’m now her dad and have had top surgery so no more nursing for me WHOO!
@katrina2017 You should do an AMA. I'm so interested in your story. How did your SO react? Is it the same person as biological other parent? What about your friends and family? What about the kid? Anyone say anything to you that's really funny? Or really stupid? Ugh I have so many questions!!! ♡
@katrina2017 I also experience DMER. Not trans but that makes a lot of sense for your situation! I never felt suicidal during let down but I most definitely had intense loneliness/sadness/disassociation. I'm currently 8 months pregnant and while I'm planning on breastfeeding, I am praying it doesn't happen again.

So glad you are living your best life now! Good for you ❤️