Do I have PPD/PPA or am I sleep deprived?

@iwantchristmore28 I’m a therapist and this is a question for your provider to answer, but I will say that for me, one of the big questions I ask to clarify “Is this person with a baby anxious or just incredibly sleep deprived” is: when you have the opportunity to sleep, can you sleep? It sounds like the answer is no, so I’m glad you’re looking for some support. Reminder that meds can be for a particular time or season in your life— taking something to get you through this does not mean you have to be on it forever!
@iwantchristmore28 At 5 months you can sleep train. I would talk to the daycare about increasing feeds.

If you need a reset, it might be worth hiring a night doula for a few nights so that you can get back to normal.
@iwantchristmore28 It could be a bit of both. I had PPD/PPA and while it was always there a little bit, but lack of sleep made it 10x worse and it would turn into a vicious cycle of not sleeping > more anxiety > sleeping even less. Anti anxiety meds helped me a lot, along with finding ways to get more sleep (easier said than done with a baby). I really had to rely on my husband to help me get more sleep because he could handle less sleep than I could.

If you do start medication for PPD/PPA, watch out for side effects! I tried one that made my sleep even worse and had to switch.

No matter what though, you’ll find a way to get through it. I promise the little guy will start sleeping better again!!
@iwantchristmore28 I am the same way. If I don’t sleep, I can’t function and I have mental breakdowns. Unfortunately it sounds like some sleep regression, but it sounds like they are still pretty young, so wanting a bottle during the night doesn’t seem too out of the ordinary. My son was the same way. He sleeps through the night, unless he’s going through a growth spurt/sleep regression, or is ill. I can 100-% say, what you’re feeling is normal. But I promise this won’t last forever. They do go back to sleeping through the night. I do recommend you see a therapist. That doesn’t mean you necessarily have to be put on medication. For me I see a therapist to help me get through those tough motherhood times. And it has made all the difference. It’s nice to have an unbiased third party hear you and give you tools to help you get through the tough times. Hang in there girl! You got this!