Didn’t get my period for more than 2 years, even while taking the pill


New member
Iv (F26) had a problem with my period and no doctor so far has been able to help.
I get really frustrated because I went to several internists, 3 gynecologists and two endocrinologists and it seems like they don’t really feel a need to solve it?
So I haven’t gotten my period in more than 2 years.
I’ve done blood tests, urine tests and physical examinations and nothing indicated any abnormalities.
I think I should do another ultrasound to my ovaries, (the last one was 4 years ago and was normal) I will do it on my next appointment in a month.
My medical history and medications:

I got my period for the first time when I was 15 years old. It happened only once and then once again when I was 17 years old. Of course I knew it was a problem, but I was scared and didn’t seek medical help till I was 19yo. Then I was sent to do blood tests and i think (sadly I can’t get those bloods now anymore to verify) they showed high testosterone, for sure hormonal imbalances. I was then put on the pill: Meliane. My periods became extremely regular, on the clock and everything was fine. Then two years ago, or a bit more, I sadly can’t really remember the timings because I was very very depressed, at some point I stopped getting my period. While still being on the pill and taking it regularly. In those two years I’ve been trying a lot of different psychiatric medications for depression, anxiety and ADHD:

Citalopram (reacted very bad to it)
Mirtazapine (made me feel great but made me gain 25 kilos in 1.5months which I couldn’t loose since)
Aripiprazol (worked well for a month and then just made me hungry)
Venlafaxine (still taking, 300mg)
Lithium (still taking, 300mg)
Wellbutrin (still taking, 150mg)
Vyvanse (taking, 70mg)

I was trying to find out if maybe some kind of chemical interaction between the medications could stop my period?

Latest blood and urine test results (mentioning only the abnormalities):

Vitamin D deficiency: 10 nmol/l
Folic acid deficiency: 2.8 nmol/L
Low bilirubin direct: 0.09 mg/dl
High transferrin: 411 mg/dl
High cholesterol: 257.9 mg/dl
High non HDL cholesterol: 172 mg/dl

Cortisol-blood: 33 nmol/L


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