Hcg didn’t double

@bozaroom I had an ultrasound today at 6+0. We saw a gestational sac, yolk sac and fetal pole but more consistent with what we’d see at 5 weeks. I go back in a week. Still feeling in limbo. Hope your blood results are promising!
@greymon My blood results only went up to 5677 😞 I go for my ultrasound on Friday. I'll be 6w2d. Seeing a fetal pole is amazing! That's great news. You are not out yet! I'll let you know how my ultrasound goes. I'm not hopeful.
@greymon Same boat here. And I know the odds at this point. My dr is acting like it's fine but with everything I've read it isn't good. My numbers are this. 4/2- 2014. 4/4- 2958. 4/8- 4825. I have a US Friday. I am expecting the worst. I hope we both turn out good but I haven't seen any positive stories and I've searched sooooo much trying to have hope. My fear is having false hope given on Friday just for it to end shortly after. Id rather just get the heartbreak over with. The wait is awful.
@tigr Aw thank you for checking in ❤️ there was definite growth; however, measured at 5+5, no cardiac activity yet. One more week of limbo then should have definitive answers. Measurements of gestational sack, yolk sack and embryo check out fine but hard to say if I just ovulated/ implanted late or if this will end up as non-viable. I will be sure to post my update after my follow up.
@tigr Thank you ❤️ The weeks feel like an eternity! First day of LMP was 2/27. Negative on 3/22, light spotting on 3/26 (day I expected my period) but nothing 3/27. Positive on 3/27