Did my shoe size really just go up :'(


New member
I'm a runner ("formally" a marathoner though I hope to do more post baby) so obviously I'm obsessed w running shoes (saucony loyal) and have like, 5 pairs of run shoes I regularly wear right now.


So what does this mean for me? Will I need to completely rebuild my collection? Most of my pairs have less than 200 miles on them right now 😢

Also I WAS a 10.5...how big are my honkers going to get??? I'm sad!
@afolkytouch My feet jumped up a half size around 30 weeks. It’s very likely it could be swelling + relaxin makes your feet flatter so they end up needing more room. Some people’s feet shrink back after birth, others’ don’t.
@afolkytouch I wear size 11 shoes and have been super concerned about my feet growing. (They don’t even usually make size 11.5 so I’d have to go directly to 12, which are hard to find and I have plenty of shoes I love!) My mom swears her feet grew 1/2 size every pregnancy and my sister claims the only reason hers didn’t grow during pregnancy was because she did legs up the wall every day for like 20 minutes. That’s what I’ve been doing and so far (20 weeks) my feet have stayed the same size. Hoping they stay that way!!
@afolkytouch My feet grew after my first. All my pre pregnancy shoes will never fit again. Went up half a size.

Definitely a bit sad that my feet never went back to their normal size. I have so many cute shoes I’ll never be able to wear again 😭
@afolkytouch My feet went up a half size in both pregnancies, but shrunk back to their regular size postpartum. Hang on to your shoes for now— this could be temporary.
@reebern Same thing happened to me but this is just my first pregnancy. Feet went down to former size by 3 weeks pp, first 2 they were swollen beyond belief from epidural and c section. I feel your pain, I am a farmer and have invested in Blundstones and was so bummed at the idea of needing to buy another pair! Back to my old size in those and all my Nike training shoes.
@afolkytouch My feet grew, but unevenly! The right is slightly larger than the left, but thankfully I size up for running shoes in general, and I must have been on the “shorter” end of a size, because even post preggo I’m still in the same size. That being said, I think mine are permanently like this now. Most of my friends went back to their original size, but I know for many women, they stay the new larger size. I’m a marathoner myself so I feel your pain
@creexpl A fellow marathon runner! Can I ask if you had to cut way down on distance during pregnancy (I have :( ), and did you return to marathon training post partum?
@afolkytouch Hey! Just had my third kiddo three weeks ago, so it’s def still fresh in my mind. I did! I trained for a half this pregnancy bc it lined up to being 30wks preggo, and I can usually run until about then. I really did, I only did 18-25mpw during pregnancy, and my pace was like 90-120sec slower than my usual. I carried high this pregnancy so there was immediate lung issues right as belly started growing so that contributed I think.

I haven’t ran a marathon since before my first came in 2019. It’s been a minute. I lived in a super small town so even stroller running wasn’t very safe since it’d be on highways or making many many many laps in my 2mi town.

I plan to train for one next year though! Finding the time is definitely a huge challenge especially since I’m a middle-pack runner. Best wishes to you!!!
@creexpl I'm a middle pack runner too and 25ish miles of run/walking is my good-weeks right now lol. I did a half in June too! I'm just hoping to do some fun local fall races post 30 weeks ... Nothing longer than a 15k... Here's hoping my body keeps up lol.

And good luck too! Finding the time is the worst part. I liked hal higdons novice 1 plan for my first so I'll probably do that again when I return (hopefully next year...)
@afolkytouch I like gal Higdon’s too! I usually grab an intermediate plan and modify it to include the speed workouts from the higher plans. I can’t quite do the high mileage of the advanced so that seems like a good compromise. Good luck with your races!!!
@creexpl I've dabbled in his intermediate plans but I think when I return to marathons I'll just humble myself and do the true novice program to make it easy haha. Also hopefully I'll get jacked mommy arms from stroller running a few times a week lol
@afolkytouch My feet grew half a size after a pregnancy that ended at just 18 weeks. They never went back down even after losing more weight than before and it’s been 2 years. They are literally longer than before, not necessarily “puffy”. I am 21 weeks pregnant again and I’m hoping that I don’t have to buy all new shoes again lol!! I had a super curated and expensive collection of shoes before 😭
@afolkytouch Just to clarify, your Saucany’s fit fine previously? How are your other shoes fitting? I really liked Altra and Newtons, usually size 9.5 or 10 for running shoes with wide toe boxes. Just had yo get a 10.5 in Saucany postpartum and Ive never gotten that size in my life. All my other shoes (including old Altras that I don’t run in anymore) fit the same.
@christopherv Yes they fit fine. I only wear saucony to run, the toe box works for my bunion and they feel great. Mostly I've been wearing teva sandals around and they fit fine but they're sandals. My sauconys now have my toes hitting the top :(