Did I have a miscarriage??


New member
Hey everyone! So i’m really scared and confused. I am 24 years old and just found out three days ago I was 3 weeks pregnant. I’ve been having a lot of various symptoms and had a visit to the hospital yesterday. I was told I was going to miscarry due to my HCG levels being so low (they were 90). I had an ultra sound done on Wednesday and Thursday and they haven’t seen anything in my uterus yet. While I was at the hospital I started to bleed like a maroon color and didn’t think anything of it. I got home and my underwear was soaked. I also didn’t think anything of it and changed into a pad. I fell asleep and woke up with pain and extreme nausea with the feeling I had to poop. So I sat down on the toilet and to my surprise there were blood clots and a bunch of tiny tissue (i’ll post the picture). My pad didn’t have anything on it but some brown spotting and it looked like coffee grinds..

Today I had another two blood clots. I have been having under arm pain as well. My cramps actually feel relieved when I pass the clots but then they come right back. I was having stomach pains Wednesday and yesterday but they resided and now are in my lower tummy/pelvic area/ and lower back. I go tomorrow to get my HCG levels tested again. But. I was wondering if this is all normal and part of implantation, or am I dealing with a miscarriage/ectopic?

@sarjan If you had a positive test, implantation bleeding should have been prior to testing and subsided by now. With the amount of clots and bleeding, paired with the cramping and low hcg, it sounds like a miscarriage is likely the answer, unfortunately. Ectopic pregnancy COULD cause the bleeding, pain, and low HCG, but I’d hope that they did a thorough ultrasounds to check for that when you went into the er. If it gets worse, I’d check with your OB or go into the ER to make sure it’s not ectopic. If you are miscarrying, you may want to ask for a D&C to help speed it up, or make sure you aren’t bleeding too much.
@sarjan Im going through the same thing and im going crazy 🥲 I’m 4 weeks and I have bleeding that’s light not enough to fill a pad or even a flow really. And I’ve been having blood in my urine with small clots and everything online says it’s either common or I’m having a miscarriage and I have to wait til Monday if I want to be seen
@anolini Ughhhh. I feel your pain. Mine is like a steady flow but kinda moderate bleeding. It’s only bad when I go to sit on the toilet, that’s when I bleed a lot of bright red and dark red. It’s not heavy like my usual period. I’m having decent sized clots though… I got my HCG levels bloodwork today to compare to my Thursdays levels and I have to wait until tomorrow to get the results and i’m soooo nervous. The nausea also has been horrible today!
@sarjan Praying for you 🙏🏼 pls update when you get your results and hopefully the bleeding stops. Are you having any cramps? I’m having mild cramps but it’s like upper abdomen and it just feels like pressure on my uterus
@anolini me too! my cramps come in waves though. it can be in my tummy, my lower abdomen or my back. i’m used to very intense cramps from my regular period but this is much more moderate. the nausea and diarrhea has been the biggest issue for me today. and praying for you too! let me know how your appointment goes on monday!
@sarjan Omg sameeee and honestly I’m not too worried because I’ve had a miscarriage before and I remember the bleeding and the cramps and this is so much more moderate compared to that. I’m gonna wait to see how the bleeding/spotting goes tomorrow, I’m getting hcg taken on Monday and I’m so nervous. Have you had any cervical pain? Idk it’s like my cervix is sore and I’ve tried researching online about it and I can’t find anything that relates to me 😭
@sarjan I’m so sorry op 🥺 are you still bleeding? Mine comes and goes and ranges all colors now from pink, brown, red. I don’t feel hopeful at all and I’m just accepting it as a loss at this point :(
@anolini Mine did that too from pink brown red. but then it went to straight red and dark red yesterday. i’m still passing clots here and there. i have a lot of body aching today. it feels like a normal period today to me. but, don’t lose hope! the pink might be a good sign for implantation bleeding. but get your hcg levels checked if you can. that’s always the biggest indicator to let you know what’s going on. i’m praying for you! 🤍
@sarjan That would make you about 5 weeks pregnant. Hcg is low for 5 weeks pregnant, but it’s possible you ovulated late. A second hcg test will tell you more about what’s going on.
@sarjan I'm sorry, it sounds very similar to the early miscarriages that I had. That much bleeding is more than implantation bleeding, which is normally very light, not enough to soak a pad.
@simple_mind It’s not soaking pad. I was able to use liners and there would be some there. But, when I pee there’s a lot of bright red/dark red blood and clots/stringy clots. i’m also so sorry for what you went through. Thank you for sharing ❤️
@sarjan Unfortunately, it does sound like a miscarriage. 3 weeks is also too early to see anything on an ultrasound. I went in at 4 weeks, and all they were able to see was thickening of the uterine lining. I'm sorry you're going through this, and hopefully, you get more answers soon from the doctor.

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