Did any of y’all lose weight AFTER weaning??

@nith ohhh i feel this lol.
so i’m currently 7.5 months into breastfeeding my third baby.
baby number 1 - i was a lot younger and went back to my pre pregnancy weight like a week after giving birth and i breast fed for 18 months (gained 65lb while pregnant)
baby number 2 - i breast fed for 18 months, and started to lose a little bit of weight once she started eating other foods and i didn’t feed / pump as much. (gained 55lbs this pregnancy) then…. i was still 20 lbs to go.. but got pregnant at 13 months postpartum… so weaned her at 5 months pregnant then obviously continued to gain weight, got gestational diabetes and am now still 28 lbs more than i was pre pregnancy with #3, and in total … need to lose 58lbs to go back to my normal weight … but during breast feeding i swear i’m hungier and get stronger cravings than pregnancy lol.
my doctor told me some people drop tones of weight while breastfeeding (especially if it’s first baby) and then some people hold onto the weight .. cause your body goes into this mode of: like survival and is programmed to making milk so .. basically your body is like if i don’t get fed a meal / calories .. then i will use the fat storage its saving to make milk. so it makes it nearly impossible to lose any extra weight while nursing regardless of exercise / diet regime! and then my doctor told me soon as i stop breast feeding baby #3 i’ll likely drop 20-30 lbs in a few months!
@nith With my first, we weaned at 9.5 months. Then I lost about 15 pounds in the following 3 months. Then I got pregnant with my 2nd . Currently 2.5 months postpartum. I'm hoping I'll be able to lose the weight while breastfeeding this time around.
@nith I think that's the biggest lie ever told lmao that breastfeeding makes you lose weight maybe if you already have problems gaining weight because metabolism is too fast otherwise naawww....all it does is make you hungry!
@ljcsoghmomas It’s such a toxic thing to say too! The whole time I was pregnant my MIL kept saying “don’t worry, you’ll lose it all as soon as you start breastfeeding like I did.” Well.. come to find out she only actually tried breastfeeding for like 3 days. Like why on earth would someone perpetuate that when they never even experienced it themselves?!
@nith I gained weight the entire time I breastfed on demand. I ended up 50lbs heavier than when I got pregnant, 5lbs heavier than the day before I gave birth. I’m a SAHM, so I was able to breastfeed on demand for 18 months.

I tried restricting my calories when I was breastfeeding and it tanked my supply immediately so I stopped. And the HUNGER. Far beyond anything I experienced when pregnant. I would feel super territorial about food, for absolutely no reason. It was wild. My appetite didn’t calm down until my baby was around 1.

As soon as I started weaning, the weight came off super easy. I did half-hearted intermittent fasting, got my 10k steps in most days, and yoga a couple days a week at the Y because they have a daycare room.

I weaned slowly, but we’ve been completely done since Christmas, it’s been 18 months since I started, I’ve lost 65lbs, and my arms look better than they did when I played lacrosse in highschool. Turns out running after and carrying around a clingy toddler all day is a lot more physically demanding than my old job was!
@nith I weaned my first at about 14 months and I didn’t see the last bit of weight start to come off until about 2 years postpartum. The body uses fat to make milk so some women’s bodies will keep some for the supply. I’ve heard some women’s bodies don’t get anything and everything they eat goes straight to the milk.
@nith I gained weight after giving birth, it was a bit shocking to me. But I was so hungry at the time to keep up with the supply I guess. Once I started reducing the frequency of feeding around 11 months, I started losing steadily. Fully weaned at 17 months and I feel I’m back to my pre-pregnancy weight.