Diaper rash won’t go away

@hello1 We bought a package of disposable bed pads (pretty sure it’s the same tech as puppy potty pads, just bigger) and we let her lay on that for tummy time, or on her back under the baby gym.
@phyter11 We bought disposable incontinence pads as well- I lay them on the changing table and use a peri bottle to rinse his bottom a few times a day and air dry as long as possible. I also switched from wet wipes to dry wipes and just dab- showtimes I’ll use the peri bottle to dampen the dry wipe. I use a small hand fan to dry his bottom before putting diaper on (he hates this so it’s always an event). I also started giving him a bath every other day with water only but adding some breast milk as well.
We alternate using triple paste and Boudreaux butt paste. I like the idea of adding Vaseline (or aquaphor is what I have) over the diaper ointment so I’ll start that tomorrow.
My baby has had a rash for 2 weeks and now that I’m doing all these things I’m finally noticing that it’s improving!
@eileentee We had a baby nanny when our now 10 month old was a newborn and she used about a teaspoon’s worth of Vaseline, just Vaseline, on the little buttcrack at every diaper change. Our baby didn’t have a diaper rash for the entire first 3 months of her life. We also used cloth diapers, and Kirkland diapers at night.
@ho2008 My baby girl had the worst diaper rash for weeks and I was religiously putting all the creams on it and doing diaper free time/blow dryer/ no wipes. It wasn’t until I mixed aquaphor and breast milk that it actually healed! Then just keep up with all the other suggestions.
@ho2008 Ugh, sorry mama. Prevention is K E Y. Catching it after is really really hard. My boy had a really hard first year with bloody, scarring diaper rash. One thing I’ve learned is everybutt-y is different and so lots of trial and error.
  • ALWAYS aquaphor after every single diaper change whether flaring up or not (after drying/patting with a cloth - I love muslin cloths for this); also I use the butt spatula thing so his whole bum is covered
  • triple paste on Amazon has worked really well for my guy, as long as you catch it early - I put on a layer of this if I see any red, let it air dry a little bit, then cover with a layer of aquaphor
  • when flared up, air the bum out (bonus if after a warm bath) - lay down a towel or a waterproof pad during a wake window and read or play
  • we got a Rx from our pediatrician which is basically nystatin, zinc, and eucerin lotion
  • recipe I have yet to try is nystatin + Destin + mylanta + aquaphor/vaseline
  • lotrimin
I hope you find something that works and your guy gets some relief soon!
@ho2008 My LO actually had perianal strep, and thats why diaper cream wasnt working! Its a red rash that looks a little different from a diaper rash, and required a prescription cream to finally kick it. If you dont see improvement id follow up with the dr and ask specifically about strep, yeast, or staph!
@ho2008 This happened to us and it was HORRIBLE. Here’s what we did to clear it up:
- SLATHER (and I mean slather, completely opaque can’t see his skin slather) desitin 40% zinc oxide (purple tube or tub - not blue!!). Get a butt spatula
- apply antifungal (we used athletes foot cream)
- apply antibiotic cream (ours was prescription from the dr)
- no baby wipes. Use a wet cloth OR water wipes.
- unfortunately… switched to expensive coterie diapers. We noticed as soon as we would use another brand, even for a day, it would come back. We were working our way through a variety pack of different brands.

The thought process behind the desitin is that the poo should never really touch their skin if you do it right. The desitin acts as a barrier layer.

It was an uphill battle and we had to listen to our poor girl cry in pain but it cleared up. We still do the same routine and have avoided major flare ups.

Good luck, hang in there!!

ETA: diaper free time helps too. We used a reusable/washable pee pad.
@ho2008 Our LO had frequent rashes when he was newborn. What worked for us: no wet wipes. Dry Cotton wipes only, wet with water prior to use. DAB, do not wipe area. Dry thoroughly then apply thick layer of desitin + aquaphor. Change diaper frequently. For big poos, i washed his butt with water instead of using wipes. Best of luck!
@ho2008 I would ask for a nystatin cream from the doctor or try the triple paste diaper rash cream. I changed from the butt paste to this and it was a game changer! You can find it on Amazon. It’s about $16 for a tub but soooo worth it
@ho2008 My girl got an awful diaper rash a month ago out of the blue like she was red and the next day she had blisters some of which popped and bled, needless to say we took her to the pediatrician immediately. Our pediatrician wasn’t concerned and told us to wash her butt every time she poops instead of wiping and make sure it’s completely dried then she recommended this diaper cream that contains sunflower and beeswax, we luckily had been gifted some so I used the Badger brand diaper cream and by that night she was light pink and her blisters were noticeably better the next day she wasn’t pink at all and just head to heal up the skin!
@ho2008 My son got a terrible diaper rash in NICU that continued after we brought him home. Our pediatrician recommended that we use a washcloth + water to wipe (not wet wipes) until it was resolved. You can also use Honest cotton wipes + water. Our pediatrician also said to use a diaper cream with 40% zinc oxide and to “frost it like a cake.” He also recommended airing it out a few hours a day. We would wrap the baby in towels/blankets with no diaper on. It took a good 4/5 days, but the rash dissipated.
@ho2008 Look up pictures of “yeast diaper rash” and if it looks like that use yeast infection cream like Canesten. My LO had a rash for almost 6 weeks and it wasn’t until I was told about yeast that we were able to clear it up as regular diaper rash cream wouldn’t kill the bacteria.
@ho2008 Our pediatrician prescribed Mupirocin for our baby’s diaper rash. It cleared it up very quickly. Now we focus on prevention since we know he is very sensitive. Perhaps you can ask your ped about it if the other suggestions don’t work.