Diaper rash is inevitable

@cathya We were much more rash prone in disposables than we are now in cloth. If she gets a rash now it’s always circumstantial - traveling and in disposables, sneaky, looser poop during sleep times that I didn’t know about, teething (idk why it gives her a rash but it does, literally every time she’s teething) but never just because she’s in a cloth diaper. We deal with far fewer rashes now that we CD full time than when we were in disposables full time. I think it kinda depends on the kid too. Mine does not do well with prolonged moisture so she has to be changed very often, cloth or not.
@cathya We’ve gone weeks without a single rash with cloth and no redness, we’ve had diarrhea spells with full on rashes that break skin. I did at some point (4 mo in? Shes 10 mo now) introduce the essembly wool (edit:fleece not wool) liners to help and i believe it did for a few reasons:
  1. Dried a little faster than the main diaper material (we use cotton)
  2. Super soft on her bits so less irritation
  3. And this one was just a bonus, most of her poops stay on the liner! So i just have to spray the liner instead of the whole diaper (most of the time, minues a few soft serve poops). Even better when its just a plopper i can drop in the toilet
Ive noticed all of her rashes have been very circumstantial, not necessarily anything to do with cloth. Only thing our ped told us was that we need to make sure with our girl to check for labial fusion because the warm and moistened environment can cause labia to fuse together. But thats also with any diaper

@cathya Nope, not normal to always get rashes. If you change every 2-3 hours and have a moisture wicking material at night it’ll significantly reduce risk of rashes.
@cathya 13 month old has never had a diaper rash or any irritation. I’m a SAHM so I do change her very regularly. She’s had cloth diapers from 3 months old as soon as her gifted disposables were used.
@cathya My son has only ever had a diaper rash when he poops and pees in his diaper and I don’t catch it right away. And one other time using disposables.

If you’re changing baby frequently enough they should not get rashes.

If you’re washing their diapers properly, they should not get rashes.

Sometimes in our grovia hybrids my son’s penis will get a little red at the tip if he’s sitting in his pee for too long.

Otherwise, if you’re experiencing redness often, I would add an ointment as a barrier layer on babies skin to protect it from the moisture and change more frequently.
@cathya We've cloth diapered for the past 10 months (daughter is now 14 months). The only time we had a rash was when she was sick with gastro and had diarrhea like once an hour during the day for a week. We switched to disposables because I couldn't handle all the laundry in addition to a sick kid, and she still had a rash until she stopped having diarrhea.

However, we do disposables at night because I found the standard cloth not absorbent enough and I haven't bothered experimenting with boosters or wool pants.
@cathya I’m on number two in cloth; she’s 11.5 months old.

We have yet to have a rash with her. My son (now 5), had one rash, one time, as an infant in the same cloth.

So no, it’s not inevitable. I’m sure it depends on your wash routine, detergent, individual baby’s sensitivity, diaper balm, etc. but knock on wood, we’ve really not had any issues.
@cathya Once we figured out our wash routine, we’ve only only had rashes on rare occasions (weird food, the one time we switched to a detergent his butt didn’t like)
@cathya 28 months in cloth and the only time my kid ever had diaper rash she was 1 week old and in disposables bc I was a dumdum who didn’t know how to change diapers yet.
@cathya Some babies are more sensitive then others or may be more susceptible to rashes
That being said, it is 100% NOT inevitable. We basically never have a rash and I'm on my second cloth diapered baby. In fact some babies do better on cloth because they don't have the same chemicals on their skin that disposables do.
If you are having consistent rashes I would look at:
1. How often are you changing the diaper? Should be more often then a Disposable and, if you know that they've peed, you should change the diaper.
2. What is your wash routine? I got persistent rashes with my first when just starting out because the diapers were not being cleaned well enough. Once I improved my wash routine, he never had a rash again.

You need two full length washes with strong detergent. With warm or hot water for both. Not all detergent has the proper enzymes to effectively clean the diapers.
  1. You can also if not already try adding liners between the diaper and the baby's bottom.
Hopefully you find a solution. Unfortunately this doctor sounds a little uneducated. While it's true that urine sitting on the skin will lead to rashes and skin breakdown (I've seen this a million times in elderly patients as a nurse) , with proper use, I think you will find that most cloth diapers uses will actually report minimal rashes when compared to disposables.
@cathya Are you struggling with rash issues? Not sure I agree with this pediatrician…. Been cloth diapering for 16 month now and don’t typically have redness at all