As the title says, my little dude has some diaper rash around his butthole that won’t go away. I’ve been giving him a bath every other day, making sure it’s dry after diaper changes and doing diaper changes before and after he eats and if he’s awake every two hours. The only time I let it go longer is if he’s asleep. Should I just wake him up every two hours to change him? He’s past his birth weight so I’ve just been waiting on his cues to feed him. We’re using A&D diaper rash cream. I have preventative cream we’ve been trying and the regular cream, but nothings working. He’s had it for a week now, the dr office told us to use A&D. We were using boudreaux’s Butt Paste and switched. I feel horrible cause it looks like it’s gonna bleed. Any help or advice would be great!