Diaper rash won’t go away


New member
As the title says, my little dude has some diaper rash around his butthole that won’t go away. I’ve been giving him a bath every other day, making sure it’s dry after diaper changes and doing diaper changes before and after he eats and if he’s awake every two hours. The only time I let it go longer is if he’s asleep. Should I just wake him up every two hours to change him? He’s past his birth weight so I’ve just been waiting on his cues to feed him. We’re using A&D diaper rash cream. I have preventative cream we’ve been trying and the regular cream, but nothings working. He’s had it for a week now, the dr office told us to use A&D. We were using boudreaux’s Butt Paste and switched. I feel horrible cause it looks like it’s gonna bleed. Any help or advice would be great!
@ho2008 My baby had pretty bad diaper rash for a while and what ended up working best for us was blow drying his butt on cool after wiping during a diaper change! Then using Desitin ultra strength after. Put on an excessive amount of the desitin, our pediatrician told us it should look like frosting on a cake.
@handakatomy Yes, basically this did it for us.

We also change diapers mega often, as soon as we notice the line turn blue and like the second week we had a bad diaper rash. What we did was started to actually DRY the area after we used unscented or sensitive wet wipes. So basically change the diaper, clean area with wipes, then I use the new diaper to blow dry/fan the area dry. This takes like 2 minutes longer, but once the area (the whole butt as well as the pelvic area) we cake on BALMEX Diaper Rash Cream. I hear Desitin is amazing, but someone gifted us Balmex and it worked very well. You HAVE to dry the butt well, otherwise the wetness is held in by the ointment and does t work. So dry dry dry then layer on the Balmex thick... the butt should look white with ointment and then I would fan that a little bit for like a minute to sorta let it dry on the butt and then out on the diaper.

Do this every single time you change a diaper, so like every 3 hours or so... even if the LO only peed, do it. Within a day you will see it's getting better and in about 2-3 days it'll be completely gone.
@gailcsir I just read on this and you're right. I'm obs a new Dad so know nothing, but I did just read that it's acceptable to not wipe for just pee... I'm gonna talk to my Pediatrician about this. Thanks for the insight, gonna save some $ on wipes maybe.
@ellenjie Hey, my pediatrician said that it's personal preference whether or not you use wipes for pee or not. She mentioned that if I continue to use wipes for pee only situations that I should be sure to air dry my LO. So since then, we have continued to use wipes for pee and we just air dry.

In terms of the diaper rash, she told us that what we did was good. We used Balmex (zinc oxide) diaper rash cream and caked it on thick every single diaper change. Pee or poop, we would wipe clean, blow dry it with the clean diaper until really dry. Then added the cream on thick. Any diaper rash cream should work, Desitin, Balmex, A&D, they're all good. Just have to add plenty in there every single time you do a diaper change. Most important, you need to be sure the skin is really dry before adding the ointment, otherwise it traps in moisture and doesn't work as well.

Since then, we have had no more rashes. The big game changer was making sure we dry after wiping/changing, I think that's what caused it. Also, sticking to one type of wipe/diaper helps - to prevent allergies.

Best wishes. Hit me up on DM if any questions.
@ho2008 I had a problem like this and it felt like nothing worked. Turned out it was the brand of diapers. Once I switched diapers, the rash faded quick.
@ptelli64 I was just about to comment this. We too are battling a gnarley diaper rash (like open wounds bad!) and we are starting to think Pampers was the culprit. They put a scent in their diapers so it makes sense if a baby has naturally sensitive skin. Once we switched to Huggies/Millie Moon/literally Rite Aid Diapers even, the problem has started to fade. We also stopped using baby wipes. They kept telling us at the hospital (our poor babe had a 2 week stay💔) “It couldn’t be an allergic reaction!” They just didn’t want to admit it because their hospital uses Pampers 😂
@ho2008 I'm not sure if this would help, but what about a layer of Vaseline over the diaper cream? It creates a bit of a barrier so that the poop doesn't contact the skin as much, and it makes his bum easier to clean so less abrasion from wiping.
@eileentee Yes this, the barrier method. You have to put a barrier of ointment over the actual diaper cream otherwise the cream gets absorb by the diaper before it can work on the skin.

Also bath every day with just water no soap on it and diaper free time each day as well!

Also the wipes might be too harsh so if you have a soft cloth you can wet with warm water that may be better. Wipes are what gave our girl a rash when she was a newborn. Had to switch to sensitive skin from target, the up and up brand. Soooo much softer!
@hello1 We’re also battling diaper rash. We lined a plastic laundry basket with towels and a puppy potty pad and then put the baby in it. It’s a little goofy but it worked!