Daycare swaddled my 9.5 mo for naps

@mum2017 There is NO scenario when it's appropriate to swaddle a 9 month old. If a 9 month is not rolling, it's a pretty severe developmental delay. Swaddling in a daycare setting isn't even legal in many, if not most, states.
@mum2017 My baby already rolls and I stopped swaddling already because he hates it I think the daycare e would be able to tell that that baby rolls
@yyzead When babies can roll over, they shouldn’t be swaddled. The reason is because they may roll to their tummy (face down or to the side) and need to be able to roll back to their back. They may need their arms to do that. They can’t use their arms if their arms are swaddled… so you’re left with a baby face down who cannot move back to their back.
@jwilliams190800 Reporting is anonymous. They won’t know it was you. I’d report it for sure. It was safe once but all it takes is him rolling over in his sleep and them not noticing, or another teacher not knowing his arms are swaddled and assuming he can roll back over.
@jwilliams190800 As everyone else said, absolutely report this. Our daycare explicitly told us that they will never swaddle a baby, regardless of their age, because they never want their first time rolling over to be in a swaddle on their watch. Heck, once my daughter could pull herself to a stand, they refused to even use an armless sleep sack because they were worried about her falling in the crib because of it. Swaddling a 9.5 month old is unheard of.
@jwilliams190800 Not sure why everyone is going first to report it to the state. You haven't had any time to get a response from the director and center owners.

They should want to meet with you, apologise, restate their own understanding of safe sleeping practice, and then explain what steps they are taking to ensure staff all have this proper training (particularly with that individual educator).

Reporting it might be something to do depending on how seriously the management takes this situation. It was a big risk taken by an educator - why did they do that and was it a one off (individual and individual occasion problem) or is it part of their standards?

The state bodies won't respond faster than you speaking directly with the management. You want them to take it seriously enough just by you raising the issue. It's not safe for any baby, and you are lucky your baby was okay.
@debbie23 It’s a HUGE deal. A lot of things happen in daycares that need to be addressed. Many parents will come across SOMETHING. And usually, yeah, talking to the director/owner/teachers is a great first (and hopefully only) step.

But a 9.5 month old swaddled arms in? That compromises/removes their ability to get themselves out of trouble, and being swaddled limits the positions they can be in. If a daycare teacher explicitly swaddled so that the baby COULD NOT move around, they clearly are not watching them like a hawk (and even if they did, suffocation is silent). Who knows what other insanely unsafe practices this teacher engages in.

It is very likely that they cannot swaddle at all in their state. Swaddling a 9.5 month old is absolutely dangerous and inappropriate.

But is this a teacher problem or a center problem? There is the very real potential that the center itself is fostering or even promoting unsafe practices. We don’t know if just the teacher sucks, or if this was influenced by inadequate training, unsafe ratios, short staffing. The center could just give OP the song & dance, and then turn around and swaddle someone else’s infant, and they could have legit harm (or death).

So it should be reported. It’s too egregious. It’s too risky. They should get inspected. If it’s a one-off and they take appropriate action, that’ll get documented. If it’s a systemic issue, then one should hope the state uncovers and rectifies it.

This time, the teacher was idiotic and told OP (thank goodness) about this. Unless true action happens, they’ll just be sneaky about it now.
@jwilliams190800 I’m in California and daycare workers can’t even put babies in sleep sacks, let alone swaddle. I guess this is why.. that’s terrifying. I would report it. I’m glad your baby wasn’t hurt!
@jwilliams190800 what if reporting caused her to mistreat your child or something? 😪😪😪😪

Edit: guys it was a genuine question from a genuine concern
. I'd still report them but I'm sure as hell looking for a different daycare after that. I don't trust people doing stupid shit, me reporting them and then TRUSTING them
@floridaman1 “Please don’t report something that could result in your child suffocating because the teacher might mistreat your child!!” Do you not see that the mistreatment already happened???????
@floridaman1 No, that's not a reason not to report them, because there is asmall possibility that something negative could happen.

Right now, the babies they are doing this to could die. That's the actual danger right now. Not hypotheticals.
@floridaman1 “Please don’t report something that could result in your child suffocating because the teacher might mistreat your child!!” Do you not see that the mistreatment already happened???????