Daycare swaddled my 9.5 mo for naps

@mum2017 I find it impossible to believe a daycare would not notice a 9.5 month old can roll. Her child would be severely delayed if not rolling by that age.
@mum2017 My son is 9.5 and almost walking! They know what he can do! They specifically said they swaddled him BECAUSE he was crawling around and pulling up on/standing at the crib too much at nap time
@jwilliams190800 They basically intentionally restrained your mobile baby. Please speak with the director and consider reporting it to your states licensing board. Do not accept anything less than that teacher taking training on safe sleep. No one needs to be fired or shut down, this is just a severe gap in training that needs to be remedied.
@jwilliams190800 Ah yeah. That's not what "She stated that since he wasn’t able to crawl around/stand up" implies. (though those have nothing to do with rolling) That statement means they think the baby can't do those things at all, and probably also that they can't roll. So that may be where the miss communication lies.
@mum2017 A 9.5 month old… who in their right mind would swaddle a 9.5 MONTH OLD? What point are you trying to make here??? Do you have children??
@elguappo My MIL told me how her cousin swaddled her kid till 1 year plus or something, when I was mentioning that you shouldn’t swaddle a kid after they start showing signs of rolling(we never did btw, always used a sleep sack). With horror on my face, I asked why on earth did her cousin think it was a good idea and she mentioned for comfort…
@mum2017 How do you not see that you are the one misinterpreting here? If this 9.5 month old baby is almost walking, surely none of the daycare workers that interact with them on a regular basis could possibly think they weren’t able to roll over yet. What you are trying to argue makes no sense. Please see that.
@mum2017 Your reading comprehension skills are terrible. “She stated that he SLEPT LONGER because he COULDNT roll/crawl/move because she SWADDLED him”

Meaning she knows he can do all those things. The swaddle stopped him from doing all those things so he slept longer, in her eyes.

@mum2017 A 9.5 month old is WAY too old to be swaddled regardless. And if the baby is there all day with these caregivers and they don’t know their movement abilities then they aren’t paying near close enough attention.