Daycare swaddled my 9.5 mo for naps


New member
My super active (rolling, crawling, standing, taking a few unassisted steps) 9.5 month old son is at a well respected national franchise daycare.

Yesterday upon pick up, his teacher (proudly) showed me that she had put his arms INSIDE his kyte baby sleep sack, so he was essentially swaddled on his back (he’s typically a stomach sleeper.) She stated that he napped much better (an hour both naps) since he wasn’t able to crawl around/stand up. I froze in the moment, messaged her when I got home, and emailed the directors and owners.

Swaddling a 9.5 month old so they can’t use their arms is definitely against our state’s (I assume all state’s) daycare code. What else would you do..? I’m hesitant to report them to the state, as we don’t have another daycare option and waitlists in our city are 2+ years..
@jwilliams190800 They will absolutely not get shut down if you report it, but the licensor (that's what they are called in my state) may do a surprise visit and pay extra attention. The director/owner/whoever may make that teacher take a safe sleep refresh course. Report it. Less will happen than you think, but it is insanely unsafe and universally known to be so. Your kid was safe but someone else's might not be.
@jwilliams190800 I know this is a difficult situation but I think you need to report this. Your baby wasn’t harmed but could have been, and if they did this with your baby they are likely doing this to others. I’d be afraid of something happening not just to my baby, but to others.

A report won’t immediately shut them down, but it will mean this would be addressed as an unsafe dangerous practice that could get them shut down.
@jwilliams190800 We had a safe sleep issue at our daycare. They were putting our two month old on his belly to sleep. My wife saw it and flipped out. I wouldn't go straight to reporting them. We had a discussion with the director. They made all the infant teachers retake their Safe Sleep training, and even volunteered to remove the teacher from the infant room. That was the last time we had a problem

I'd see what the Director says before making your decision.
@yyzead Once babies become mobile, or really even start showing signs of rolling over, they should no longer be swaddled. You risk them moving into a position that makes it difficult for them to breathe, and with no arm access they won’t be able to get out of that position.
@yyzead Once a baby can roll they need access to their arms otherwise they can end up facedown on their stomach and suffocate because they can’t readjust their position
@ezzeking Which begs the question... Did OP inform them the kid is doing those things? Based on the post they didn't.,and they didn't know the baby was able to do those tasks.

My daycare puts it on the parents when to stop swaddle, rolling back over if they do, etc , which I like.