Day 2 as working mom. O. M. G


New member
You all are superpeople!! My lo (22 months) is in daycare 8-2:30 since March. But he is sick so often, and it's so stressful to manage everything. I just landed a dream job for 4 hours a day right in my town. But it's a huge adjustment...

Does he have a change of clothes that fits and is weather appropriate? Alexa, how's the weather? What's his snack? What groceries do we need? Wheres my diaper bag? Wheres my wallet?
Ok, dishes done, another load of laundry started, maybe I should make a list. Daycare calls and he had diarrhea.

I'm starving. Oh man, I need to clock in for my shift. 4 hours should be fine with nothing to eat. No break.

My dogs need a walk. Its raining. My boots are old and now my socks are wet. I need like 5 new bras.

I need a hug. I'm glad my baby likes to cuddle. Hugs and cuddles and kisses and stickers to all of you hard working moms!!! I am honored to join the club. I am pumped to have a business card again.
@mdeese I’m glad to hear from someone who waited until your baby was that bit older before you returned to work. I’ve just come to the decision to stay at home until my daughter is at least 18 months old and hope to get a mornings only role like what you’ve done. Sounds like you’re smashing it even though you don’t think you are!
@manishk012 I waited until my daughter was 7 months. She just started daycare Monday for two days a week and it was so much better dropping her off knowing we were both ready and she was excited to go and play and I was excited for a break vs. both of us being very sad.
@manishk012 Well, yeah part of the choice was made for me. I had to quick learn German because we moved here when baby was 10 weeks. It was a good timing to be able to stay home with him while adjusting to the new everything...
@manishk012 I stayed with my first daughter for 22 months and it was awesome. I felt like she was at a great age for daycare at that point and her transition was pretty easy. I had to go back to work at 12 weeks with my second daughter and I hated it so much. We ended up getting an au pair bc I couldn’t find an infant daycare that didn’t totally depress me.
@mdeese It gets so much easier! I'm in year three of full-time work since having my children and now it's a breeze (most of the time).

Some advice if you want it. Have a daycare bag just for daycare. Have it set up so you only need to top it up with consumables. When you get the time, prep everything you can - lunches for you, food for your child, even spare clothes packs. My youngest used to go to care with three ziploc bags each with a spare change of clothes. It was so easy for me to check how many new sets I needed to put in each day.
@mdeese You got this! It will get better as time passes and your routine will be well established. We are super moms, sending hugs and support your way. Please take care of yourself also. Get pampered when you can, a glass of wine, get your nails done, go shopping.
@katrina2017 Yesss
He already knows the kids names and has a best buddy. One day his buddy came to the door and grabbed his hand and they walked in together. My heart melted. I bet its only getting cuter!!
@mdeese Welcome to the club. You would do great, ask for help when you can and take cate of yourself. It gets easier as the LO gets older and routines are made. Best wishes
@mdeese I also need 5 new bras... and have no clue what size I wear now bc of the whole pregnancy/nursing thing. So I’m sure one day this problem will just take care of itself somehow!