Crazy to travel India with 2.5 months old baby?

@patrick226 Good luck!!! Our baby has allergies too, rocky times but you’ll get through it! enjoy your trip!

Also meant to also mention my friend travelled Australia to Canada with a 4 month old by herself a few months and it was fine! You and baby will do so well!
@patrick226 Hello, Pakistani here so I understand the intense travel required to get home. Baby will have at least their first set of vaccines by then so that's good. Also please consider any additional vaccines your little one might need. I know to go to PK, baby needs Hep shots. I'm sorry your mums VISA got rejected. That being considered (since her coming to you would be best), honestly, it sounds like you are really suffering and need support. Your baby needs a present, supported, functioning mom and if that means making a 20 hr flight to India, I would do it. Can your husband do it with you? I just wouldn't do it alone. Edited to add: In terms of formula, just take ready to feed bottles, and a set of clean bottles and you should be fine. There are even portable bottle warmers in the market these days.
@misterxyz Thanks for the reply
Yea I really wanted my mom to come
My husband hopefully will come with us
I’m lil worried about the formula
My LO takes 4 oz 2-3 hrs but RTF comes in 8 oz pack
@patrick226 Are you still suffering like that? I had some similar symptoms postpartum and it wound up being my gallbladder and I needed it removed - it is not uncommon for gallbladder issues to occur for women soon after having a baby.

You’re not crazy but honestly if your mum can travel to you it may be worth doing that instead.
@ngune Oh I’m sorry to hear that. My sister in law had the same problem. They say it’s because of post delivery hormones
And my mom can’t come her visa got rejected 😕
@patrick226 It’s a long journey, is anyone able to accompany you? It would just be nice to have an extra set of hands. I would say go to your mothers you need her absolutely. But also get help for PPD it really sneaks up on you.
@patrick226 You can handle the flight don’t stress about it. More likely than now baby will sleep most of the time since they have very short wake windows at this age. It would be helpful if you had someone travel with you but you can still manage alone - just do your research and try to be as prepared as you can be. I hope this trip works out for you
@patrick226 It may be easiest to have your mom travel to you if possible, but as an alternative, it’s easier than you may expect to fly with a newborn.

You can bring anything you need to feed the baby. They will just test liquids at security. I bring a large bottle of warm water in one of those nice insulated bottles. (ETA: and i mix it with powdered formula when baby is ready to eat). However you’ll need to eventually add more warmed water to it if you’re going 20-30 hours. Restaurants on your layovers or the flight attendants can give boiled water to add to bottled water. Mixing up the formula can be tricky if you’re holding the newborn and don’t have help, but hopefully husband would be there with you.

Also, you usually can check car seats and strollers for free, but I believe that technically depends on the airline. All major airlines that I know of offer it. These can be checked with other checked bags or at the gate.

Your baby will likely sleep most of the flight because of the motion, white noise, and contact with you. Even when taking off or landing, a pacifier or bottle will allow their ears to pop.

Good luck, and do what you need to do to get through this. It is not a requirement of new moms to suffer.

Edited to add: also, if you’re worried about baby getting ill, flu season seems to peak in November. I know baby’s immune system is more robust after 3 months they say, but it may be worth it in this case to go early to avoid that. Ask your dr though.
@violetvictory Thank you so much for the reply
I’m pestering my husband to come along with us.. hopefully 🤞🏻 he’ll come
I was wondering about the feeding part. Will try to have ready to feed. But my LO drinks 4 oz in 2-3 hrs but the formula comes in 8 oz so I think I’ve to take the powder formula.

worried if flight water is safe to use ?

Also thinking to take the baby carrier to wear the baby in flight. Thanks for the tip will take car seat n stroller
@patrick226 I’ve always used powdered formula to avoid keeping it all on ice.

I’m not a big stickler about water personally, but I think if it’s boiled it should be ok? And you can bring (or buy) as much bottled water you want. I just don’t think they can heat up what you bring. Not sure what kind of water airlines use for their tea.

Bring the carrier if you and baby comfortable with it!