3.5yo, 2yo and NB? Am I crazy?

@angeliabell Mine are almost that exact spacing (20 month gap and then 17month gap) and I would not recommend getting pregnant with the third before the 18 month mark. (Emergency c-section from complications due to not properly spacing is no fun with toddlers at home.) It doesn't sound like that it your plan.

The newborn stage has been kind of awful since it coincided with my older developing a need to argue and my middles peak tantrum phase. Some of this is developmentally appropriate, but I have to wonder if it was made worse by adding in the baby. We're at 4 months now and it feels like we are just starting to catch our breath.

My older two have been sharing a room since they where 1yo & 2yo. Just moving them in together and letting them figure out the issues has been our main plan of attack. They've countered with things like pulling the mattresses off the frames and taking all of their stuffies and hiding them between the crib and the wall. Bonding opportunities.
@angeliabell Yes, you are crazy, lol but it's OK because I am too! I had my 3rd child and then 15 months later had my 4th and then 22 months later had my 5th. ( My older 2 are 3 years apart and we waited 5 years to have #3 so we had 12, 9, 3, 1 & newborn ) It's was so adorable and beautiful until the baby started walking then things got a bit more difficult. Now the little ones are 5, 4 and 2 and OH my goodness are my days and nights crazy. They make a complete mess and can't clean anything up, and they are always loud, especially when I am on the phone. For me that's the hardest part, trying to keep things clean and keep them all entertained. Also, it takes at least 1 hour to get them dressed and ready to get out of the house.
However, it's the BEST decision I could have made because I love watching them all together. They are very close and like alot of the same things. They always play together and love each other so much. It's literally the most adorable thing in the world, to this day. It is crazy and exhausting but I've never regretted it, not once. The bring joy everywhere we go. Beautiful Chaos. I am debating a 6th but think we may be done, because I am enjoying them staring to have their independence and not sure if I want to start over, again.
@angeliabell When my Third was born, Second turned 2yo ten days later, and 16 days after that, First turned 4yo. We hoped for a Fourth with the same 23.5m gap but it ended up being 3y instead. Her bday is between Second and First's. We all bed/room share in some form or another, and have the entire time, it hasn't been an issue.

It'll be intense but you aren't crazy!
@angeliabell Just be prepared for it to not happen right away! My oldest 2 are 13 months apart and when my 2nd was 1 I started feeling ready to try again. It took me 2.5 years to get pregnant! So my older 2 were 5 and 4 by the time my 3rd was born. It was an adjustment but not undoable!