Crazy to travel India with 2.5 months old baby?


New member
I just want to know if I’m crazy to travel to India which is my native with a 2.5 month old baby?
I delivery baby on July 13 and had health issues. Very tired, vomiting diarrhea stiff neck back back
I don’t know how my milk supply got very low. Exclusive Formula feeding my LO
It’s killing me inside that I’m not able to breastfeed her
My mental health is going south. I just want to go to India and be with my mom
It’ll be helpful for my Baby as well as me
But my husband insisting to go by 4th month which is November
I can’t handle this anymore n want to run to my mom’s place
The flight journey might be 20-30 hrs
I’m so confused
Can anyone share their piece of mind
Thank you
@patrick226 It would be easier to travel now than later in my opinion. My baby Is 3.5 months and is already becoming more aware and wanting to be entertained and holding toys a lot more than before. Go now while the baby will sleep more and be content to lay around. Just tell yourself you can do anything for one day (the difficult travel) and time will pass either way on the plane or at home and you will get through it. Make sure to feed the baby during take off and landing for its ears. And I would have a plan while there in case you need a doctor for you and the baby, know where to go or who to contact just in case.
@patrick226 I have no idea how it works in India maybe your mom would know. I mean like if I needed to take the baby to the doctor for some random thing like a rash or cough or something I would know where the doctor is and the procedure for going to them in the country you’re visiting. I got sick in a different country one time so I had to figure out how to go to a clinic and pay cash and everything so it is just on my mind for traveling to have that figured out before I go now.
@jlove55 Ohh okay
I thought you’re saying to check doctor in Airplane.
Pediatrician in India is easy availability. Won’t be a problem and our home is kind of Downtown so doctors availability is not a problem

I’m more worried t about the travel part
@patrick226 I agree with the redditors who encourage you to go now while you baby still sleeps a large part of the day. TSA allows you to bring powder formula and water on the plane to make bottles and feed your baby. You should pack double the number of clean sterilized bottles as well as double the amount of formula than you actually need because your flight could be delayed or other travel problems might occur. It is easiest to pre-measure the formula and water with a kitchen scale before you depart, and then portion out water in the bottles and the formula in a few formula dispensers (I like Phillips Avent container Mix each bottle on demand or an hour before you need it (mixed formula is good for 2 hours at room temp). You should also make sure that you can easily obtain in India formula that your prefer or would feed your baby.

You say that India is your native country. Chances are you know best how its health care system works and how to obtain medical care there.

Good luck!
@jlove55 Also depending on how long you stay may want to bring baby’s health records and bring them for regular appointments to make sure they are growing accordingly.
@patrick226 I traveled with my 2.5 months old kid to India to attend a wedding. We took direct flight to Delhi from DC. It was not difficult at all. She slept most of the time. Even when up, she was good. She is also formula fed, I carried those similac powder and made milk 8 - 12 Oz at a time. Fed her in 4oz bottles. My wife & I did not get seats together, so at time , only one parent was with her. It was totally doable.
Smaller the kid, It's easier to manage. Once they grow, they want to move more, it becomes challenging.

Every kid is different , ymmv.
Only trouble we had was when airline served food, and if baby is up, it is not possible to eat. We asked crew to hold the food and ate later when kid was sleeping.
We are currently in India, when 4 yo and 1yo. This was so much difficult, because kids won't sit at one place.
DM me if you have specific question.
@katrina2017 I assume kid is USC, you can apply straight after you get ssn. If you do it at usps, it takes 6 to 8 weeks. If you already have ticket, you have option of expited process, takes $100 more and you get passport within 1-3 business days IIRC.
E-visa to India takes less than 2 days.
@patrick226 Hey! You can do it!!! You can do it alone, too, if you have to!

Flying now is better than flying later, just when the baby is a little package that will just sleep and eat.

I just did a 24-he travel day with a 10 month old by myself. It sucks but we made it and I was wishing she was a newborn again lol.

As soon as you get on the plane, ask a flight attendant if there is an empty row you can move to, and to let you know. Keep your eyes peels for any empty seats you can move to before take off for more space. Airlines let you take on baby formula and since you can do RTF it will be fine. I saw another comment you asked if airplane water is okay for mixing formula.. it is! Problem is they just have boiling water and bottled water. So you will have to get a flight attendant to give you an ounce or two of boiling in the bottle, then add bottled water at your seat. (Keep your formula in something like this in pre-measured amounts

The whole airplane is a white noise machine and a good cool sleeping temp for a baby.
Other moms and grandmas will be flying and wanting to help.

It will be worth it I think. I had really bad post partum and was so sad and ashamed of not being able to breastfeed . My husband was amazing but nothing quite helped like having my mom around.

(Also a few comments about worrying about your gallbladder and there being a dr on the flight… those are really really unlikely extra things to worry about, please don’t let these comments add to your stress.)

Internet hugs!
@kiw89 Thank you Soooo much!!! It’s so much relief to read like this
More love to you
I have to go… it’s like trapped in here
I made peace to myself that EFF is ok and we’re suspecting she might have CMPI
One after other something is coming and it’s too much for me
Planning to go ASAP
Thanks again!!