Coparenting schedule difficulties HELP!


New member
My(27f) ex(28m) and I have been doing a 50/50 split very well for the past couple years and have managed to do it all without daycare for our now 5&6 year old children, but at the start of the school year, both children will be in school. Sounds nice, right?

It would be, except his job goes from 1-7 doing private teaching.

When just one child was in school, he would have the younger child in the mornings from 7am-1pm, I’d take over from 1pm-7pm and have the older child after school, with us each having them evenings(after 7pm) on a fair alternating schedule, weekends I have them Saturday, he has them Sunday.
How can we work this schedule so that it is still 50/50 and he gets to see the children as often as I do?

I’m more than happy to spend every after school to 7pm period with them and continue alternating the evenings, but they’re little so they go to bed at 8pm and won’t get to see much of their dad with this upcoming change.

What do we doooooo?
Is there a way to have it still remain 50/50 under these circumstances?

Thank you!
@danisean69 8pm is a reasonable bedtime for ages 6&7.

Are weekends important to you? You could have 1 weekend and then he has two. So he takes the kids Friday 7pm - drops off to school Monday. So that’s 6/21 time, but I bet hourly it’s pretty even. You take the other days.

Or do a 2-2-5-5 and he just figures out childcare on his days.
@danisean69 It sounds like you and your ex have been doing a great job co-parenting and finding a schedule that works for everyone involved. With the change in schedule due to both children being in school, it may be necessary to make some adjustments to maintain the 50/50 split.

One option may be for your ex to take the children to school in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon, allowing him to have them from after school until 7pm on his days. On your days, you could have them from 7am until after school, and then alternate evenings as before.

Another option may be for your ex to adjust his work schedule so that he can be available for the children in the mornings before school, and then have them in the evenings after 7pm. This may require some communication and compromise on both sides, but it could be worth exploring if it would allow for a more balanced 50/50 split.

It's important to keep in mind that schedules may need to be adjusted as circumstances change, and that flexibility and communication are key in successful co-parenting. It may be helpful to sit down with your ex and discuss various options to find a solution that works for everyone involved.
@danisean69 Has he raised concerns about not seeing the kids enough? Because this is his problem to deal with, not yours. I don't understand why you're asking about it on Reddit when it's not your problem.