Considering baby bjorn mini but not sure if it’s right for me!


New member
Hi everyone! I have a 2 week old who I would like to baby wear. I currently have the baby k’tan, but both baby and I are not a fan. Sometimes baby will sleep in it, other times she will fuss and squirm, and stops as soon as I take her out. To me it feels tight and I find it doesn’t to know if I’m sitting her correctly or not.

I’ve been looking for a more structured option and am wondering if the baby bjorn mini might be what I need! My main concern is baby growing out of it too quickly, she’s pretty big (8lbs at birth and passed birth weight at 8 days old). Both her dad and I were big babies as well.

Does anyone have any experience with the baby bjorn mini? Or can anyone recommend another type of carrier that may work for me?

Also, if anyone has had success with the baby k’tan I’d love to hear any tips as well!
@wrshamblinjr The BB mini was great until about 15 lbs, now it’s really not ergonomic at all and really puts a lot of pressure on the shoulders/traps. So I would avoid that one if you’re concerned about growing out of it too quickly.
@wrshamblinjr My husband mostly used the mini and he’s still looking for a replacement, we have ordered and are waiting on a Lenny Lamb onbuhimo. I use a combination of the Tula Explore, Minimonkey, and Cococho. I like having a variety as they do put pressure/weight on different areas so rotating is helpful especially since we baby wear 2-3 hours every day.
@wrshamblinjr That baby Bjorn isn’t that great for baby’s hips, the seat is narrow on it. I’d look into a structured carrier that can accommodate a newborn and grow with them like a Tula Free to Grow or an Ergo (but there are a ton of brands out there!). You want to look for a carrier with a seat that adjusts in width. You want fabric supporting baby knee to knee, and an adjustable back panel height is a good feature.

IHDI has a good article on how baby should be positioned in a carrier:
@wrshamblinjr As others have said you should avoid the BB Mini - not hip healthy for baby, suffocation risk, uncomfortable for parents and very short lifespan.

If you want something super easy and comfy for wearing around the house go for the Ergo Embrace, or if you want something more structured that will last longer you can’t go wrong with any Tula Carrier or the Ergo Omni line.
@wrshamblinjr I had the Bjorn and tried it with my newborn. He bawled and I felt like he had no support. I switched to the Ergobaby and tried all the versions and the Dream is the only one my baby didn’t cry in.
@wrshamblinjr If you want one carrier that works for a lot of different times, I love my ergo Omni 360. It has great head support for naps and as long as you get the fit right (baby in a J position) it's very comfy for both of us. I have big babies (90th percentile) and I like it a lot. I also like my tula free to grow, but it doesn't face out and the head support isn't as good for naps.
@wrshamblinjr Agreeing with everyone else. No to the mini and no to ktan. I've used both. It's better to spend money on a quality brand if you can.

Tula free to grow is a good full buckle. But you might also like a half buckle or meh dai. They're a lot more comfortable and way less bulky. So if you're just wearing around the house I'd prefer the half buckle or meh dai and a full buckle if going on walks/hikes. Lenny lamb has good half buckles.

There are way better stretchy wraps out there but if you don't like the tightness you might want to try a woven wrap. They're so versatile. It takes practice but is worth it. Ring slings are my favourite though for around the house and contact naps.