Comments about baby’s weight

@iktmrl My baby is on the small side and I started playing dumb when people comment. I just go “oh really?” Or say “yup” in a snarky tone. Don’t know what people expect or want from me
@iktmrl Whether their comment is that they’re too small or too big, just say that’s old wisdom. Her pediatrician is really happy with her growth.

Make them feel old and have them question whether they should be saying that shit out loud.
@iktmrl If you’re doctor isn’t concerned, you shouldn’t be either. I have been through the same and the comments are sooooo annoying. Don’t let it hinder your enjoyment of your baby by focusing on her weight or how much food you are giving. Next time someone makes a comment, look at them and say “i was just about to say the same about you!”
@iktmrl I told my parents right off the bat that I wanted a fat baby because she was perfectly healthy and that if I heard them say anything like that again they would not be allowed around her anymore. I set a hard and fast boundary and they fussed but I held firm and they haven’t crossed it since.
@iktmrl That’s so strange. Fat babies are the best and if breastfed it means mom’s got that super healthy milk. Like can babies even be too fat? Like their bodies need all the nutrients. That’s why it’s called baby fat, cuz it comes off when it needs to.