Comments about baby’s weight

@iktmrl Oh man both my parents and my husband’s parents have talked about how my 6 month old needs to go on a diet. I have told both of them to stfu, like he’s a baby? Who doesn’t love rolls on a baby? He’s right on his growth curve like F off with that almond mom nonsense
@iktmrl I really thought hard about this due to unsolicited comments about my baby's skin. I really did.
With strangers you can say, "Thanks! I'll let her mom (or dad, or parent, however you identify) know." And if they were to ask, ,"Aren't you her mom?" You just shrug. Keep them guessing. Hopefully the unsolicited comments stop once they assume you are not the parent.
Btw, I LOVE chunky babies!! As do so many people. Hope you get to encounter more of us than the Negative Nellys
@iktmrl One of my mom's friends commented on a Facebook pic of my 2 month old (who admittedly has some very chubby cheeks) and said 'wow, she isn't missing any meals!' 😒
@iktmrl Literally had this half an hour ago…my daughter is 5.4kg at three months about 30%…. And 90% in length. I kind of think boomers in particular project their eating disorders everywhere
at one point even had someone from the county to come check on her to make sure she was being fed

WTF is this.

Very much agree, though. Husband’s family and my family are all tiny, and we (shocker!) made a tiny baby. He’s really advanced, hitting milestones months early, and we still get a bunch of nonsense and rude comments about it. Like hello, do you not see the “small” 5’1 man holding the small baby?

My go to is, when alone without my husband, responding with a “Yes! My husband’s 5’1”. Tends to make people realize that, hey, things are often… genetic… so if they see a baby and mom and comment on baby’s size, they are actually commenting on my husband’s / a man’s size, and that’s rude, which tends to shut them up.

IMO Simone Biles, gymnasts, wrestlers/fighters in lighter weight classes.. all tend to be tiny and “off the charts” but are the best in the world. Being short and small literally gives you an advantage, sometimes, as does being taller and bigger. If you wouldn’t comment on an adult’s size, don’t comment on a baby’s.
@wisper Both her dad and I aren’t very big people I’m 5’5” and he is 5’8”. I’ve been met with some confused looks and “oh, is that her dad? comments when I show pictures of the 3 of us. People assume since I’m an average sized person that her dad must be a giant.

I do think that genetics play a large part though! I grew really fast as a baby and a kid and then stopped in elementary school, so maybe that’s how she will grow or she could just be tall. My dad, aunt, and uncle are also all over 6ft tall so maybe it just skipped me?
@iktmrl My 4m old is 22 pounds.
My 3 year old is 26 pounds.
Doesn’t matter what side of the spectrum you’re on, you’ll get comments. And this is not ok.
@iktmrl Ours is small and I remember my wife getting cornered in a shop by an old lady. Started off with complimenting about how cute, then "oh don't worry about him being small, back in the day small babies would die but that probably won't happen nowadays". Absolutely insane, it was only after we walked off we processed what she said because it was so nuts.

So yeah no good suggestions, just sympathy.
@iktmrl Yeah it's absurd, you honestly can't win. My sister and I had babies 2 months apart and both get constant comments about their sizes. People make comments about hers being too small, and about mine being too chunky (sometimes in the same sentence). Both babies are happy and healthy and doing well, and that's all that should matter.
@iktmrl People are soo annoying. My daughter is 8 months and I constantly get the “omg she’s so small I thought she was 3 months” she’s 10th percentile and rocking her milestones but all anyone cares about is comparing her to X Y and Z baby they know who is so much bigger than her. I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes or they’re gonna be stuck on the ceiling
@iktmrl I choose to let it slide because it doesn’t affect her— just wave my hand and make a face like “oh psh it’s fine” and move on. No need to give those comments any credit. Being combative with randos is not how I want to use up my limited emotional energy. I do have one relative who projects some food/body issues onto my toddler and that may become an actual conversation if they feed or talk to my child in a way that is not appropriate, but we’ll see if that actually happens.
@optimisticbeliever I agree it’s not worth trying to explain to stranger about why their comment wasn’t okay. I’m more concerned with the comments coming from my family. I struggled with body dysmorphia when I was very young due to comments they made and their obsession with weight. When my daughter gets older that’s not the environment I want to create for her.
@iktmrl My health visitor is driving me insane baby was born growth restricted at 6 centile and very quickly shot up to the 90s but is 90s for height too . Drs have said he is proportional but she keeps referring us to the dr, even Told is to under feed baby. it’s something that isn’t compared a lot so maybe check height and then yea if she is following her curb it’s fine l. Hv is even trying to get us to do another weight check in 13 days when we just saw a dr .. completely power tripping.
@iktmrl I love a chubby baby, they're so cuddle and cute. Your four month old doesn't need to be put on a diet and you don't have to watch her weight at this age, ffs. What is wrong with the people saying this to you?
Tell me you don't understand how babies grow without telling me you don't understand...
@iktmrl Wow, there’s a difference between saying the baby is a cute little chonk and these comments. 🫢 Why do adults feel the need to put their body insecurities onto a well-fed, healthy child? I will never understand