Co sleeping isn’t working. Nothing is working

@chenml60 This works for some babies, but if it doesn’t work for yours please know they aren’t broken. This is all very normal for this age. The abnormality is a society where you are doing it alone without help. A few extra hours of uninterrupted sleep will do wonders for you. Next to that: eating lots of animal fats and proteins, omega 3s, and I promise if you force yourself to walk for a bit in the sunshine during the morning your hormones start to do amazing things and you’ll feel so much better in the afternoon/evening/through the night. Good luck
@chenml60 Your baby is only 11 weeks old, when they are this small, they really want to be held 24/7 which is very normal. My daughter was the same, and the day she turned 4 months old, she started sleeping well right next to me on the bed, but before that she was always wanting to be held especially while sleeping. I know not all babies are the same but what I know for sure is nothing lasts forever.
@chenml60 I also have a velcro baby. We found he sleeps best when being held or cosleeping with me (I’m mom). He breast feeds when I’m home but drinks my milk from a bottle while I’m at work. We found wearing him works so well with my husband. I wrap him but my husband uses a carrier. He sleeps for a couple of hours at a time when my husband or myself wear him. Totally recommend having dad wearing baby so you can get some sleep!

While cosleeping, I cuddle curl my baby but I also prop him up on my upper arm and hold him while we sleep. He lays up against my chest and sleeps so well when we cosleep. Even uncomfortable sleep is better than no sleep !