CIO night one

@instrument150 You’ve got this! 1 hour and 10 min for the first night for us. For months and months (hopefully years) of 1000% better sleep. There will be bumps in the road and don’t expect your journey to be linear.
Update 4: after I fed him at 3:15ish, he slept for another 1.5hr. When he woke up, I went in and soothed him, at this point I believe he smelled milk and once I got him calm and put him back down, he absolutely wailed for 15min straight, then my husband went and consoled. He cried for 13 min after that, then slept for 45 min, then cried again. It was after 6am by this point so I went in and fed him. He went back down very easy and slept another 1.25hr. When he woke around 7:40 it was close to his wake time so I grabbed him and snuggled in our bed with him for a half hour- a reward for both of us for making it through the night.

Overall- not bad, I guess I expected him to sleep longer? But it’s only night 1. I’m confident tonight will be better!
@instrument150 Night three and this was the worst night.. I feel you in the AirPods I need to charge mine back up so I don’t feel the need to run back in. This is the worst but his quality of sleep is so much better. Before we got to the point where I had to hold him all night long to get him to sleep.
@instrument150 The main reason why we did this was for me. We were clocking 10-12 hours solid before 4M sleep regression and then for three months he would be sick, teething or something that required physical contact so we developed bad habits. We were also feeding every three hours because it was the only way to get him to settle for a couple hours but then that stopped working too, so here we are.