Choosing NOT to do daycare

@meesemouse We don’t have smaller children in the family and honestly with the weather and the energy it has taken I haven’t gotten them out much but I’m hopeful to change that a little bit as the temps get warmer ❤️ they do see their grandma once a week and we try to go to my husbands dad and step moms every other week but they mainly have other adults for interactions instead of kids unfortunately
@fab01 It was the same with me as a child. There were no other children in my family for nearly 5 years, when I gained a sister and a cousin in a year, it just meant I got more attention from the adults than the next lot did XD
@fab01 Daycare was just too expensive by us for two kids ($3600 monthly) so our decision was kinda made for us. Nanny/babysitter works out way better for us anyway... no need to drop off/pick them up all the time, they don't get sick every week like some horror stories i've heard, no need to pack daiper bags, clothes and meals daily.

Our current situation our nanny comes with her 2 year old as well so we pretty much have a built in play date 2-3 days a week. Best of both worlds and working out great for us. Our kids are developmentally very advanced minus one of them not pronouncing words as clearly as the other (but still ahead of where they should be word count wise per our pediatrician despite being 2 month premies). They play great with other kids when the opportunity presents itself so don't think were missing the socialization aspect a ton.