Choice of 3 days high stress/responsibility and pay, or 5 days of average pay with school holidays? X post r/workingmums


New member
Hi all from Australia,

I've returned to work after a year on mat leave.... best year (after the first 3 hellish months lol).

I don't like being at work, don't want to but life and money demands it.

I am currently full time at my very high stress job but not coping with the 5 days of full on stress/responsibility. I was burnt out before I left.

My partner and I have done up a budget- my options currently this week to decide are to:

A) Drop down to 3 days a week at current job, my amount of work/caseload will lessen but not the level of responsibility. They will not expect me to work my two off days. Government role in child protection.

B) 5 days a week full time, $11 less per hour pay, moderate stress responsibility role but have school holidays (9 weeks a year) off paid at 75%

(have to work extra each day for this)State school role, got the offer today after an interview. This role will be a lot more physical, supporting vulnerable/ high risk teenagers

I know only I can decide but I feel torn.

My personal wants are to reduce the overall time my 1yo is in daycare until she's 2 or 3, she struggles with the length of the days and how many there is. Love daycare but not that much for us yet- she's just so little and sensitive.

Personally, I'm really struggling now I'm back at work having 0 me only time. We have my partners twin step 4yo kids every 2nd weekend which are full on but fun, so the other weekend is now myself, partner and bub and goes by in a flash.

On mat leave, each week I got 5 whole hours to myself with a family member or my partner caring for bub.

I'm overall an introvert and need some alone time. My partner doesn't get alone time, but when I've asked he doesn't want it- he loves to use his free time socialising or with me/kids so doesn't really get it.
He's very helpful as a partner too.

Thoughts? Weekly less daycare time for bub and weekly or probs fortnightly alone home for myself


Blocks of 2 weeks and one 6 week block of no day care and lots of alone home options?

Will still have to pay daycare during school holidays.
@trends That’s a tricky one.

The holidays of the new job sound very appealing but you’ll still be working full time hours. You also think it will be less stressful but you won’t know it until you are in it - how confident are you that it will be less stressful?

If the new job ends up being just as stressful, would the holidays be enough to relieve the stress?

Or would doing a 3 day a week job be enough to alleviate the stress of the current job?

The 3 day a week job solves the daycare question, but the 5 day a week one doesn’t.

I know I’ve basically relayed what you’ve said, but hopefully phrasing it differently helps you decide.

Sometimes it is better the devil you know, and going from the information you’ve provided I would probably choose the 3 day a week option.

However, if your current role is truly awful and you don’t think you could manage it at 3 days then that’s different. Burnout and workplace stress are terrible and can’t be taken lightly- I used to work for workers comp and your industry was definitely one with a lot of those claims. If your mental health is at risk from the job, then I’d leave.

I hope this has helped!
@trends Do you have someone to take care of a sick kid that can’t go to daycare? If not the three day option is going to be helpful because kids get sick all the time the first year of daycare. It’s like every three weeks they get sick and can’t go.