Check my first purchase please


New member
Ok, I need help CD. I am placing an order for Alva diapers through a co-op and to save on shipping etc, I want to be sure I get everything right.

Please let me know if I am purchasing the right amount. Also I am expecting an over average size baby, my last two were 10 lbs 3 oz and 8 lbs 11 oz.
Should I bother getting anything newborn sized?
@bunny136 Like everyone else said, even a big newborn may not quite fit in a one-size diaper. But some big newborns fit just fine. You might consider (I know this is heresy...) using disposables until baby fits into one-size diaps?

40 of one brand seems like a TON. I wouldn't get more than 24 in any given brand and probably a lot less. 40 inserts may be fine though since you'll double up on them sometimes.

You need at least 2 pail liner wet bags- one to have in the pail while the other is in the wash.
@dj97 Thanks for the info. Its really easy to go a bit overboard, since I have not done this before. So if I do end up ordering as many I will do way less, probably the 24 as you suggest.

I hadnt even thought about having 2 pail liners. :p
@bunny136 One size may not fit right away, even on a larger newborn. Of all the china cheapies, alva is one of the better brands, but I've come to find that when it comes to cloth diapers you do get what you pay for. The reason heavily discounted cloth diapers is so uncommon in the big name brands is because generally they don't have a huge mark up. I found that even thought they are more expensive it's generally a much better quality.

The best thing that you can do is try a little bit of everything, a few pockets, some AIO's, hybrids, and some prefolds. What you think you might like may not actually be what works best for you & baby.

Start your stash by buy used. It's cheaper, and if you end up not liking and reselling them it's a lot less out of your pocket. However make sure you sanitize your used diapers and use a little bleach when you do, to ensure any nasties like yeast are all killed off.
@bunny136 Word to the wise about buying used: make sure the elastic is still super stretchy or you're going to have to replace each piece by hand or suffer leaky legs. Also make sure all Velcro is clean and no one used diaper creams with them.
@bunny136 Too much too fast, for a person that hasn't cloth diapered before. You may up ending hating those diapers or the actual process, and resale value on Alva diapers is very low. You can start out with just ONE diaper - bit inefficient when it comes to washing but hey, just toss it in with some other laundry like burp rags, changing table sheets, etc.

Ps: newborns are hard to size. There's a lot of tiny newborn diapers for sale on ebay because folks bought tiny diapers then discovered they didn't like it and are selling them. Harder to find the larger sizes. And what I liked during the newborn phase (covers with prefold or grovia style insert), I didn't like later (now I"m a pocket diaper fan). For 2nd child, I anticipate holding off until s/he is a bit larger to start cloth diapers.
@barneycottontop Thanks for the input. I have been reading up on the covers which seems like a good idea as well. From experience will that be a bit better for me?

I will be getting the diapers for around 2.50, so not too worried about the resale value too much.
@bunny136 Sunbaby fit the smallest. There's also a NB fold you can do with one size Google fu isn't working right now though. You button the middle rise and cross the side tabs. Is about the way I remember...
@bunny136 They are supposed to work from 8 pounds. I used disposables for a month at the beginning. Partly bc as a new mom I didn't want the added stress of diaper laundry on top of breast feeding and trying to sleep and partly bc newborns poop and pee SO much. You will need AT LEAST 12 diapers a day for the first few months so investing in a newborn stash is never going to pay off. Other people are naysaying Alva diapers but I freaking love them. I jumped right in with them and they are so easy I never looked back. I ordered about 18 from the site plus the bamboo inserts and a few wet bags the first time. They worked better and easier than bum genius so I ordered even more. I don't know how much they cost from the co op but they're only about $5 on and you get free shipping.
@bunny136 I would personally hold off on committing so heavily to a brand/style...unless you've CD'd before. Also, I would expect to use seething smaller than OneSize for a few weeks even with a large baby...but it really just depends!

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