Challenges of formula transition


New member
FTD, 2 month old daughter. Wife never really produced enough and will be going back to work soon, so we’ve been maybe 70/30 formula to breast milk, and now that’s more like 90/10, will be 100/0 soon. Additionally, daughter recovered birth weight in a week, but since then doesn’t seem to gain weight at the right pace. Weighs 9 pounds now, ate average 20 ounces a day on similac sensitive 360, but each feeding was starting to take an hour to get through all the way. At 2 month checkup with vaccinations, doc suggested we move to Nutramigen. Daughter now wants almost nothing to do with food. Only eats an ounce before rejecting the bottle. She’s crazy fussy, wont stay still for a second to save her life, and cries a lot. Yesterday she was awake for nearly 6 hours straight, and today hasn’t been much easier. Took one nap for nearly 4 hours, but otherwise can’t seem to stay down for more than 30 min.

I think I’ve read in other posts that it might take 2 weeks for a formula transition? Called the doc office and a nurse echoed the same 2 week timeframe… but the crying, fussy’n, and rejection of the bottle?? Ugh, 2 weeks sounds like a nightmare. Doc also prescribed a reflux medication (drops).

Of course my wife and I are stressed, worried, feel helpless, so figure I’d turn to social media and see what others think/have experienced. Maybe this is the perfect storm of weaning off breast milk, new formula, maybe a growth spurt or milestone too?


Doc also suggested going up a nipples size, so we’ll try the level 2 tomorrow. Also, feeding is in a calm, dark room with just a lullaby playing on the sound machine. Was thinking over stimulation might be an issue, but we’ve made it as calm as can be, I think. Lastly, haven’t been running a fever from the vaccinations, normal temp.
@joshdolern Maybe try going up on nipple size. Could be she isn’t getting it fast enough and gets frustrated.

We upped him to the doctor browns 2 earlier because he was fussier when eating.

Also talk to doctor to see if gas could be an issue. Simethicone (brand name is mylicon) is basically Gas-X for babies. It helps gas move through and exit the body on the form of a fart.
@reeses Thank you. Yes, should have mentioned the doc suggested going up to level 2, so we’ll be doing that tomorrow when we get the new size. We have gas drops, might be good to try those again. Thanks for the suggestions.
@reeses Thank you. It was just so strange that she gained her birth weight back so quickly, was on the similac from the hospital, but now we’re going the other direction. Why are these little humans so difficult? Can’t they just speak English already? : )

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