Can’t shake the weight 3 months PP


New member
(TW: ED)

Hey guys, I gave birth to my beautiful daughter 3 months ago and have not lost a single pound since. I was 168lbs when I went in to give birth to her and I’m 168lbs sitting her writing this. I did lose about 10 lbs immediately after giving birth, but I gained it right back within the first two weeks of being pp.
I’ve been working out and doing deep core exercises at home. I’m breastfeeding so, I’m trying to make sure I eat enough to continue to produce but it’s honestly so hard when every time I step on the scale I see absolutely no progress. I was 125lbs before I got pregnant and it took me a while to even be comfortable with that (I had an eating disorder for about 10 years) but I was finally at a point where I loved my body and was comfortable in my skin. Now I feel like every time I look down at myself or look in the mirror, I just want to stop eating. I know that’s so unhealthy and a terrible mindset and I’m trying so hard to make sure I continue to eat properly for my baby girl, but this journey has just been discouraging.
I know they say it takes 9 months to make a baby and it’ll take 9 months to go back but I just don’t understand how I haven’t even lost a single pound of weight in these last 3 months. In addition to the weight, my stretch marks are so upsetting. I know almost every one gets stretch marks during pregnancy and I was mentally prepared for it but I didn’t realize the extent that my skin would stretch. I don’t just have them on my stomach, but I have deep thick stretch marks on my thighs, the back of my thighs, and even significantly bad stretches on my calves.
Has anyone else experienced anything similar to this or have any tips or even just kind words? I love my baby girl and I want to be healthy for her
@kokie This is VERY typical. I’m typically 130 and was 160 when my baby was born. I lost five or six post birth. But the scale moved ZERO until the last couple weeks. And I’m nine months postpartum! Breastfeeding especially will keep weight on you. Don’t stress or beat yourself up. Eventually, it starts to fall off.
@kokie Just came here to say I didn't expect the stretch marks on my calves, kind of at the corner where my knee is on the backside. Those were kind of upsetting. Those came 10 years ago and they faded, but I definitely wasn't prepared for them to appear there of all places, especially considering I walked a TON during that pregnancy!

Just had my second 3 months ago and I'm in a similar boat....I lost the initial 12-15lbs from giving birth and I've only managed to lose like 5 lbs since then. I am/was breastfeeding (I think I'm done now, I couldn't keep up with baby's demand since day 1, so whatever) and I'm wondering if it's a combination of age/breastfeeding that is keeping this weight on. I feel like the weight melted off with my first, but I also didn't have a scale back then, it was summertime, and I walked EVERYWHERE because I lived in a city and I could. Anyway, I'm super friggen frustrated with the weight, tired of breastfeeding since I never could satiate the baby anyway, and so I'm done with it. I want my body back, baby has had it for nearly a year now and I'm over it. Anyway, guess that was my vent haha, but solidarity!
@kokie I am in your shoes too! 20 lbs is still lingering. I had a C-section so it's taken me longer to get started, but I've started walking and hoping to see changes. But I'm immensely frustrated so solidarity from here! From reading some the comments, this is a lot more common than the weight melting off immediately so let's give ourselves some grace, if we can.
@kokie Same boat mama, 5 months pp and only a few pounds lighter than the day I delivered. It’s the breastfeeding hormones holding onto the weight. We’ll get there eventually.
@kokie Re: the weight. I gained 40 lbs (130 --> 170 lbs) and lost 20 by around 6 weeks pp. I then lost nothing for months and months and even though I was exercising a lot just walking with LO in the summer, my weight wouldn't budge. I stopped pumping at 2 months pp and my period returned at 4.5 months pp.

Finally, around 9-10 months pp I was able to lose some weight. I got back into calorie counting a little bit and going to the gym during work and I lost 6 lbs in a couple months. Not melting off, but finally coming down. I have since been maintaining because I lost my job end of November 2023 and needed to just relax. I just started a new position so I'm back into a routine and hoping I can keep it going.

All that to say, some of us it takes time for our hormones to really settle again. I found the same thing happened when I switched from hormonal BC to the copper IUD. Everything stabilized after about 8 months and I was able to finally lose weight after that.
@kokie Girllllll 168 pounds is not fat !!! Give yourself a break. Your uterus was the size of a watermelon not too long ago. To give you some perspective, when I got pregnant with my son, I weighed 200 and I dropped down to 165 due to HG. I was 180 when I gave birth and I was 165 again right afterward. While 165 sounds huge, it was actually an extremely unhealthy weight for me. I was anemic, hypoglycemic, dizzy, irritable, and a mess. Now I sit at 185 and I feel great. I say that to say the scale is not what matters. Not at all. Not even a little bit. You’re healthy and I’m sure you look great. Stretch marks are not something to be ashamed of, you can get them from literally anything. Take more pride in yourself! You’ll be able to improve (in a healthy way) once you accept yourself the way you are and realize that you’re still beautiful.
@kokie You’re sleep deprived. Tired. Breast feeding. All of these thing affect weight. Stress over weight too makes it hard to lose weight.

Eat Whole Foods
Drink water
Go on walks
Lift weights (if you’re not tired and feel like you can- otherwise it’ll do more damage than good)

I aimed for 2000-2200 calories when breastfeeding my son in the beginning. Eggs, potatoes, spinach, chicken sausage, homemade chicken wraps for lunch, salmon steak or chicken for dinner with veggie and carb. Yogurt, cottage cheese, fruits. Watch your calorie intake and your protein intake.

The weight WILL come off if you’re doing these things. Good luck and congrats mama:)
@kokie I’m also 3 months pp 168 pounds and not losing any weight. It’s really hard to lose when you’re breast feeding. Also 3 months pp is sooo early. It took 9 months to put it on its going to take 9 months to take it off (or more) esp with BF
@kokie 3 months is very early. It took 9 months to gain that weight! And some women (myself included) actually struggle to lose weight while BF (I know it’s a common trope to say you lose weight BF but it’s the opposite for many of us!).

My number one tip is to give yourself grace and enjoy your sweet baby right now.

Other tips:
  1. Buy some clothes that fit your current body and make you feel nice.
  2. Talk to your doctor. Some women also experience thyroid issues postpartum and they might want to rule out any medical obstacles to weight loss.
  3. Try to focus on well rounded nutrition. Take note of protein intake especially as this can help you feel full longer.
  4. Focus on moving your body every day rather than burning calories. I was killing myself working out and the biggest difference came when I got consistent about walking. I set a reasonable step goal and met it most days. It made a big difference!
Sending positive energy, love, and warmth to you mama
@kokie My advice - give yourself LOTS of time! I thought that because I was fit I would just “bounce back”. The “bounce back” is a LIE! I am 10 months postpartum and just barely fit some of my jeans. No six pack in sight! Weight isn’t a great measurement because while breastfeeding we hold onto a lot of water weight (don’t quote me on this but it’s what it feels like!) and our hormones are fluctuating. Sleep deprivation also throws off hunger cues.

Also be aware that if you lose weight too quickly then you’ll have a lot of loose skin to deal with, not to mention supply issues. So take it slow, just focus on getting sleep. 🤩

And stop weighing yourself! Throw the scale out the window 🥳
@kokie This is where I'm at with my weight too and I'm now 12 months pp. I started at 125lbs and I'm still 168lbs. So weird the stretch marks are hard to get used to and I have them everywhere you mentioned and even on my forearm. Girl I love my smoothies and bread but I think that's what is causing this stagnation in my weight. Not to mention I literally haven't exercised since my baby's birth. So I think you're on the right path to weight loss but focus on your mental health too, it's important. Three months is too early to see any changes after having a healthy baby. Stop beating yourself up.
@kokie Stretch marks: silicone scar treatments & very limited retinoids (cleared by my derm-ask your medical provider though) . Differin is otc but has parabens. I have tret 0.05 and a wound/surgical scar cream.

Weight: Hormones. Lack of sleep. Just give it time and be consistent. I disagree that bf = weight gain. I only gain(ed) or maintained weight when I was indulging generously in carbs. By limiting them to something more reasonable (note: not starving) and minding CICO it just falls off, especially after the hormone shifts mo 5-6. Even if your weight doesn’t change at first, the weight distribution will shift more towards normal. It takes your skin a bit of time to tighten up.
@nrg23 I second this about the carbs. I cut these as well and the weight came off when I focused on high fat/protein and lower carb.

High carb diet or a diet high in processed foods doesn’t help with weight loss/hormonal health!