C Section Recovery


New member
I am about 2 weeks post-partum from an emergency C Section. It was very scary for me and to be totally honest I put no time into researching C Section recovery prior to having my baby. I have an apron belly so between my pre-existing apron belly and my post partum belly the incision is kind of tucked in and my belly sits on top. It stresses me out a bit since idk how this will effect the healing process and I was wondering if anyone had experience with this? I asked my OB and she just went over how to keep it clean (again) so I thought maybe y’all had some insight. Thanks so much!
@annointed620 Hey! Planned C-section with apron tummy here! I’m almost 4 months postpartum at this point. I also have a skin condition called hidradenitis supperativa which affects areas that sweat (under breasts, under apron belly, etc).

The recovery wasn’t bad. The main thing is keeping the area dry and clean. Also having the issue of not seeing the incision I had hubby look at it daily to make sure it was looking ok. The area still feels a bit numb but I hear that’s normal.

I hope that helps! My doc recommended putting pads without a sticky back under there to help keep it dry. I didn’t try that because I got some bamboo tummy liners on Amazon that did the same thing.
@annointed620 I had an emergency caesarean last Friday and just got the dressing removed today. The midwife said to gently wash and dry, then use a pad if I feel like the area might need a bit of help staying dry
@annointed620 I have a belly like you described and it's been great. Of course, follow the instructions to keep it clean. At 4 weeks postpartum, I had a really mild yeast infection at the incision sight and went to my provider to get it checked out. It was an easy fix and things are totally fine now (I'm 6 months pp). It's important to keep things dry.
@annointed620 I had an emergency c section too, also have a big apron belly- I am 7 weeks pp and my incision has healed. I would put a folded maxi pad over the incision line so that it wouldn’t get sweaty or infected. When I would wash it in the shower, I’d just lift my belly up and let water flow over it. I don’t know if I just got lucky or not but it’s healed perfectly without infection
@annointed620 4.5 months pp csection, with an apron belly. I was worried about how it would heal too, but it healed just fine. I made sure to keep it dry by folding a period pad in half and placing it in the fold of my belly. Once it was healed, I stopped that and just left it as I did before the C-section. Never got an infection, the scar healed well, and I have no complaints.