C-section recovery w NICU baby

@sewbird I was right down the hall for 72 hours and had the sweetest nurses giving me all sorts of stuff and then boom- discharged. No assistance and the main lobby doors close at 7pm. I’ve had to walk the longest walk of my life to the ER doors when I leave at 9pm. And the hospital is super empty. It makes me feel so lonely at night like I’m the only one in the world going thru this type of experience.
@mathman141 Have them drop you off at the front door. Wait for them to park. Have them push you in a wheelchair. It’s hard, but doable. Rest when you can. If you need a day off for yourself then take it! Hang in there mama.
@mathman141 Tell them you need a wheelchair. It’s so freaking hard to walk all that way after everything you’ve been through. My main bonus was that my mom had an old school hysterectomy years before and was all about pushing me everywhere and then slooooooow walking.

They won’t understand automatically, so you might need to tell them upfront. Don’t feel bad about asking for what you need. You’re still healing and it’s going to take a minute!

I hope you’re able to rest and take care of yourself. I’m going to tell you that I felt bad about this, but I usually waited until 4 to go to the hospital because it was less busy then, it gave me time to ease into my day and not feel panicked and rushed. My husband would come “after work” and take me home, so it would have been forever if I was up all day.
@mathman141 I was initially on a HDU on the same floor as NICU and my midwife was lovely and kept getting me updates. I couldn't go as I was hooked to various drips.

Once I was discharged and then visiting the unit, I remember walking further than I should have, from one end of the hospital to the other - I was going to Costa.... I learnt my lesson that day to take things slowly.

I had to visit NICU during the Covid restrictions - I can completely understand how lonely you feel.
United States in Texas. I’ve heard good things about postpartum mom and baby wards in UK 😞 need more stuff like that here!
@mathman141 My NICU baby is home and 4 months old and I still feel a wreck. I really feel it's because of how much I overdid it in the NICU days (1 month) I also had 3 hospital visits for various postpartum complications, the last at 3 months post partum. Any tips for not being in pain anymore and healing up already?
@quinzy22 Oof- definitely go easy on yourself. Your timeline won’t match anyone else’s and that’s ok. Don’t push yourself too hard to do what you think you should be doing (if that makes sense). Listen to your body and when it says rest.
@mathman141 I had my baby emergency c-section at 33+5, it was horrible how far the bathrooms were and how I felt and how swollen I got. If you can, make sure to use the wheelchair.