C Section Recovery SUCCESS

@rahel3 Oh I can’t imagine, that’s absolutely terrifying! My babe has been breech for weeks so I at least had some time to have meltdowns about it already lol.
@praskovia Pretty much what happened to me 😂 I went from hey let’s schedule you for 38 weeks to a NST that decided baby was out that day and breech! You can do it!
@rahel3 Me too. Hated the unplanned aspect but loved my recovery for the most part. I wasn’t prepared so first week sucked but after that…wonderful.
I’m 39 so no spring chicken. I feel like I was never pregnant! (Except for the boobs, thanks pumping) you can do hard things, and you can do this.
@rahel3 Oh I can’t imagine, that’s absolutely terrifying! My babe has been breech for weeks so I at least had some time to have meltdowns about it already lol.
@rahel3 So happy you are feeling good! But be careful ❤️ major abdominal surgery is going to be longer recovery no matter how fit you are!

My first was an emergency c section and I started overdoing it too early and had pelvic floor issues 4 months PP. Not saying that will happen to you but just sharing my experience.

You are amazing and badass for birthing a human!
@chamz12 You’re a badass too! I really appreciate the heads up. Honestly I think I’m excited but it’s so much on the body it’s good to remember to slow it down too
@rahel3 I was just like you! Emergency c-section @ 38W2D. I worked out the morning I went into labour. Walked to the NICU 4 hours after I was out of surgery. As soon as I got home I was taking my dog out for walks every day.

11 weeks postpartum, and after having received the greenlight from my pelvic floor PT, I just did my first PP jog today 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
@rahel3 Thanks! I'm so glad that your experience is similar so far! ❤️

I got told throughout my entire pregnancy that I was crazy for working out. And then I got told I was crazy for trying to move around post c-section. But I am of the belief that movement is healing! Just know your limits and listen to your body!!
@rahel3 Interestingly, while my family gave me a hard time about my exercise (mostly my MIL and SIL), when I was in the hospital, the health care aide who came and showed me the ropes about bathroom business postpartum said walk, walk, walk! That first walk to the NICU was TOUGH! But every time I walked, it was easier and easier.
@rahel3 Very happy for you ! And congratulations on your baby!

I wish this was the case for me, baby born a bit shy of 37wks, had to have c section 😞. I try to be gentle with myself and say I just had a baby but honestly I also just had major abdominal surgery!!! It’s Been 4 days , I walk like an old lady, I walk slow, I struggle w stairs and getting up. Bending or squatting nope ñ, my hubby and mother are helping me and want me to focus on my recovery and my baby only. I feel blessed with that support right now. Docs even said to not drive so guess what I’m not driving!
I too used to work out CrossFit and was decent! Had strength I stopped for like 1 yr or so n got prego but yes I was not in my greatest once I did become prego, I also had HG all the way up to about 6mnths, then once baby was born like 1-2 days later I developed a rash on my mid belly only, then like 1 day later I got it on my mid back.
Woman are super humans! But I also think like no this shit is hard!!! C section is harddddd n I don’t wish this upon anyone. I kinda feel like you know when you break a bone it never really the same , even thru so much recovery n healing I see it as that too, like layes n nerves got severed like wow!!! I would never recommend a c section. With my case I wanted natural since I’ve had natural but baby was not cooperating this time, so unfortunately here I am 4days PP and struggling to cope and heal and take care of baby and breastfeed.
@rahel3 Wow! I was very active my entire pregnancy and I could hardly get up my stairs at 5 days PP and was holding my stomach like my insides were about to fall out at any moment for what felt like a couple of weeks. Wishing I would have felt like you after 5 days!!