C section prep specific workouts programs?


New member
For reference I’m 2 years post partum with my first who was an emergency C section baby. I’m now 9 weeks pregnant and really want to strengthen my back, core, and pelvic floor. I’m pretty sure my diastasis never fully healed nor my pelvic floor. I do moderate weight lifting in the gym 2-3 times a week.
  • Are there any programs that prep you for C section as well as post exercises?
  • Can I work on my diastasis recti and pelvic floor strengthening while already pregnant?
@icarus419 You absolutely can and should visit a pelvic floor physical therapist ASAP! I went to one several months after my c section and regretted not going sooner. My hips were a disaster and my c section scar was tight (it’s still tight but less so today). I mercifully dodged any abdominal separation. I’m 11 weeks now with my second and plan on making a visit back to my physical therapist around 20 weeks. Until then, I plan to continue doing the stretches she recommended me before and continue walking/hiking.
@icarus419 I started doing Reformer Pilates (RP) to specifically target my minimal DR following the birth of my first kiddo. I had a c-section as well and doing RP really strengthened my core and made me feel like my old self. I’m 35 weeks along with my second and I never stopped my classes. I switched to Prenatal classes with an instructor who has extensive training in this area when I entered the 2nd trimester. One of the main benefits I’m noticing compared to my first pregnancy, when I didn’t do RP, is non/very little back pain and more stamina.
@icarus419 I am immediately post partum right now after my first planned CS - I am so glad I kept up with straight weight training because I really have to use my arms & legs to compensate for my core when getting out of bed/from sitting to standing, etc. If I hadn't been, this would be so much harder. Squats, dips, glutes, curls, keep up with all of it as long as you feel you can!