How to prep for c-section ? Nervous!

@julianchu 11 days pp here. I used depends for the first couple days at home but I developed some sort of allergic reaction to either the soap they used on my belly or the clear plastic drape they stuck to me. The rash wasn’t actually on the incision. Started about half an inch above it and went to about two inches below my boobs and stretched from side to side. Once it actually started itching I just couldn’t stand the depends anymore so I went to just normal pads in my underwear. I never took the narcotics, just alternated between Tylenol and ibuprofen. Highly recommend getting some gas x right away in the hospital and taking them at home with colace as well. My maternity leggings are the most comfortable pants I have rn since every other normal clothing has the hem sitting right over the incision.
@prospectivedarkness If it was anything like mine, you might have had a postpartum PUPPP rash. I thought it was soap or drapes too, but it didn’t make sense with the pattern until I realized what it was. Harmless, but super itchy.
@lesflk Oh interesting! A nurse at the hospital just told me it was the soap or drape. Never heard of that rash. My skin was just red the first few days. I think a day after I got home is when I actually got hives. The hives are gone now and the skin is more brownish versus the bright cherry red it used to be and it feels more like dry skin. No more itching though thank the heavens!
@julianchu Find out when you'll be cleared to eat! Nobody told me that I would need to pass gas in order to get approved to move off the liquid diet. I hadn't eaten for 48 hours, and I was STARVING. I would have killed a man for some chewing gum to help get things moving down there.
@julianchu Depends for sure and I also got an abdominal binder that helped a lot and made me feel more secure when getting up and moving. Walk as much as you can tolerate and just be mindful when you bend over I had to have my hubby put my undies and pants on for about a week. After 2 weeks you'll feel a lot better.
@julianchu I was not prepared for the uncontrollable shaking (which a few here have already mentioned) or the itching that happened afterwards as the spinal wore off! Both were minor things but I just wish someone had warned me so I knew they were normal side effects! There’s not much you can do about the shaking except to know it’s coming, but my nurse gave me a Benadryl for the itching! Other than that my c section was a breeze and if I ever have another kid after these two I will definitely be doing it again!
@julianchu My wife had a scheduled C-section with our twins, one was breach. Tried to vbac with #3 and wound up with a section again. She will tell everyone the recovery for the scheduled one was 10x easier. Like others have said, walk walk walk. It really does help. Also, ask your anesthesia provider if they do TAP blocks. It will give you some good pain control for 18-24 hrs which is enough time for the spinal to wear off and for you to get up and walk a few times before the post op pain starts. I have been doing them for a few months for my C-section mommas and have had some really good results.
@julianchu Keep a small cushion in the car to place between you and the seat belt when you’re being driven places for the first six weeks.

Remember that it will take your body a lot longer than six weeks to heal completely.
@julianchu One thing that I never considered was shaving and my incision. I didn’t get a wax beforehand, I think I had shaved 1 day prior and my hair grew in underneath the sticky dressing. It was supposed to come off 5 days after surgery but it took me 3 days in the bath to slowly rip it off my incision site under water as I was also ripping out my pubic hair right next to a fresh incision! It was incredibly painful and one of the worst parts. Get a wax if possible!