Black things in poop.. Worms or banana? Also kiddo not eating anything for 2 days


New member

My kid (2y,3 mo)has something wrong going on for past few (4) days. He eats very little. Has no fever. Is energetic. We are worried because his food intake has dropped by nearly 80%. The pediatrician told to give him vitamin supplement. And deworming medicine. So last night gave him albendazol. But he also ate a small banana last night. Today morning his poop was solid first then liquid sludge like. And it had lots of these black thread like things. I am not sure if they are worms or banana remains.

Warning poop images

This image is a misdirection to fool reddit so it does not show poop in the thread.

Poop pics: pic1, pic2

Edit: he also vomited once 3 days ago.
@eoim Yeah, pale stool combined with your little one not doing so well sounds like maybe you need go to the doctor or call a nurse hotline if you can
@eoim Yeah, I have sent the images to her. the camera also plays a role making the image more white. he has had diet of milk and banana yesterday only. I notice that when he has only white things, the poop also comes out white.
@vicktoryu12 That’s actually not a common thing at all… glad you called your dr but the color is determine by bile in the stomach and not by the food they eat. Certain foods with high levels of color like blueberries and carrots (eaten in abundance) can tint stool color, but white foods does not and should not equal white stool. If this has been occurring long term I would honestly just go to ER.

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