Is it a bad idea to wait until Black Friday to order my car seat / stroller? I’m due December 6th

@mrssmith Just in terms of getting the best deal, I wouldn’t wait until Black Friday itself. Retail was experiencing dips leading up to the day every year as people decided to wait on any significant purchases, hence the “preview” deals that come earlier and earlier. Sometimes - I’ve seen this happen on items - prices will actually go up a little bit on Black Friday.

So keep an eye out, and if you see a great sale, don’t pass it up just because it’s not Black Friday yet.
@mrssmith It probably won't hurt to wait. Worst case scenario, you deliver earlier than expected and tell the nurses you can't poop to stay a little longer in the hospital!
@mrssmith I personally wouldn’t wait, just in case. As newbie parents we had no idea what we were doing and the initial install ended up being multiple hours - not something you would necessarily want to do once the baby is here! lol. We also took the time to visit a local car seat clinic to ensure it was installed correctly, which took additional time.
@mtainmn43 I think most hospitals will help you install them? Ours did, we owned our car seat but our first baby came 5 weeks early so it wasn’t yet installed. My husband brought it in after birth and they helped us.

But I agree, even get just the car seat you want now, op, and return/exchange it for the cheaper price later if the time allows you.

Places might even have a price match guarantee for a certain time period, too, so you could get the difference back later plus already own it.
@mrssmith Buy one from target. Keep it new in the box. Wait as long as you want (but remember the return policy so you don’t run out of time). Depending when you pop, use the one you ordered or the one you bought.
@mrssmith I’d be willing to wait but it would probably have stressed my husband out. Worst case scenario you order it when you go into labor and it arrives before you leave the hospital.
@mrssmith i got the same one, did you pick a color already? as you select each one you will see that each one has a different delivery date. we ended up picking a random one with dots that would do the fastest delivery. i think i ended using the registry discount.

a quick review of the stroller. it is a bit heavy but you get used to it. it’s easy to fold up. we bought two bases for two cars and it just made it super easy to plop it in. we changed to a convertible car seat when she was 11 months. i also was pushing my girl in the harness area around 3-4 months but it was a bit too big for her still.
@mrssmith Stroller is absolutely fine to wait. You might not even use one for the first month or two. Car seat is a bit more tricky, but can still be obtained when you first start going into labor in the worst case scenario.
@mrssmith I definitely wouldn't wait! I wanted a specific car seat and it ended up being back ordered for months, and I was unexpectedly induced 3 weeks early! We ordered our car seat early and got it in time but I wouldn't want the stress of that.

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