Best Hygiene Products for Newborns

@computergal Hi there! I have a 13 month old now but wanted to offer what we used for our baby while he was little (and onwards)! All these suggestions are based off of what we liked and continued using, but doing research is the best way to find out what you’re comfortable with! I follow an IG account called @just.ingredients and she shares some baby recommendations on there!

Shampoo/body wash: we used a brand called attitude for his wash. Newborns don’t need baths often but we started making it a routine for bedtime to associate with sleep once he got older (and dirtier with food lol).

Detergent: I definitely would not recommend dreft, I’m not sure why they market that for babies?? It’s heavily fragranced which I personally didn’t want my baby’s clothes soaked in. We ended up changing to unscented detergent by molly suds and it’s been great! If my husband and I want a little scent, we will add a little fragranced detergent to our laundry, but LO doesn’t get fragrance in his.

Diapers/wipes: these I’d recommend researching to find which ones you like best! Both you mentioned are great; we ended up in Millie Moon since Coterie was a little out of our budget.

Diaper rash cream: Earthlove is one we used and we also used hello bello!
@computergal I use castille soap (baby unscented) on myself and on baby. Coconut oil for when moisturizer is needed, and i preload all my diapers with petroleum jelly/aquafor for easy wiping, no diaper rash in 2 months.
@ldfry001 This is a great idea! My 1st baby didn’t have a diaper rash for probably 6 months (stealth poop while grocery shopping). 2nd baby is a secret pooper and apparently sensitive as she already had redness in the hospital. She already had a small rash at 2 weeks 😢😢
@ebuzi They actually showed us that at the hospital! Just spread vaseline on a diaper and it makes wiping the booty easier. We do a stack of diapers every night so we can just grab during the day.
@computergal We use and love:

-Calendula bar soap: LuSa brand is nice, Weleda smells soooo good. We use fragrance-free everything but this imparts such a yummy mild fresh baby smell. But you don’t really need soap for newborns! I don’t think we started using soap until 1-2 months.
-Earth mama body lotion, nipple butter, and diaper balm
-Coterie diapers
-Kirkland fragrance-free wipes (same material as coterie wipes)
-Molly’s suds laundry detergent
-Tubby Todd ointment (my baby had some mild eczema over the winter and this stuff is incredible. Cleared up the eczema instantly and permanently after trying a dozen other products. Expensive but a little goes a long way!)

We used Dreft for the first month or so and everybody was fine. I hadn’t heard about allergies developing from e.g. topical coconut oil and I have used coconut oil on his skin occasionally, and he is not allergic to coconut. Pretty much every mom I know uses coconut oil for something topical and as far as I know none of the kids have a coconut allergy. So, just an anecdote to take the pressure off.

@computergal Baby creams, soaps, shampoos, etc.: Babo Naturals or EOS for Kids, the latter is more cost effective when on sale.

Butt Cream: Earth Mama (used daily as preventative, gentle enough)

Detergents: Molly's Suds, Charlie's Soap (no other soap, not EOS or Seventh Generation are clean or gentle enough, especially if baby develops eczema)

Drier sheets: None, use wool dryer balls

For extra tough stains like poop, I might use Seventh Generation's Bleach-free bleach as a disinfectant and whitener (hydrogen peroxide based).

I typically use (their research is often 2-6 years behind) or (more recent) to cross-check products.

As an aside, I recommend using Tiny Health to sample baby's stool periodically to make sure they're developing ok and there are no underlying issues. We've used them to get our son back on track after nearly a dozen rounds of antibiotics (strep, walking pneumonia). I wish I had used them in the early days.