Based off old wives tales what would they say you’re having v.s what you are having?


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If you don’t know what you’re having yet still feel free to comment with what you think you’re having!

Old wives tales: Girl

What I’m having/Thought: Girl
@cjr86 Tale: when you carry high you’re having a boy.

Reality: my rib cage kills and two older mamas have commented randomly in public that I must be having a boy bc of how high my bump is. They were right - he’s a little dude.
@cjr86 Husband and I were thinking girl from the moment we found out. I've been super tired and nauseous. Chinese gender chart said girl. Mom had a dream before we even told her and we had a girl in it.

The only old wives tale that fit it being a boy was I was craving savory, while sweets disgusted me. We found out a couple days ago that it's a girl.
@cjr86 Sim old wives tales I heard for having a boy included being really hungry and extra nauseated. I was both for months and am having a boy.
@cjr86 Two Latinas (mom and orthodontist assistant) guessed boy correctly by simply looking at my face. Basically, if your face is thinner you are having a boy. If your face gets fuller, you are having a girl.
@cjr86 I've been very moody and have been wanting sweet things which suggests a girl.

What I'm having: No idea, we are not finding out the sex. But I really want a girl!
@cjr86 Tale: girl

Thoughts: boy

Husband’s family tree: boy

Family thoughts: 95% said boy

Having: girl

Literally all ‘predictions’ said girl. The old wives tales, the Chinese calendar and even an old coffee bean trick said girl. I just pushed it aside because a family tree is more scientific than a coffee bean, so this caught me off guard haha.
@cjr86 Predictions

Morning sickness - girl

Sweet / salty- boy

Chinese gender prediction- boy

Mayan gender prediction - boy

Heartbeat - girl

Carrying Weight - girl

Partner weight - girl

Acne - boy

Heartburn- girl

Feet swelling- girl

Mood swings - boy

I had loads of fun seeing what they suggested so had looked them up and kept up with them in the beginning- even though I knew it was all myths. Found it amusing that it was almost tied, though it did lean slightly more girl- which is wrong. Baby us a boy.
@cjr86 Wives' tales: split down the middle

Husband's intuition: boy

What I'm having: boy

Apparently, the most accurate of wives' tales is the Ramzi Method. It's supposedly 95% accurate based on which side baby implanted in the uterus.