Lead content in baby puffs and cassava based foods

@s4ado In what way? I've seen comments like this on Reddit but none of them actually point out flaws in her methodology. Open to seeing these if you're aware of any.

One thing she did I find fascinating is the lead in old pyrex. It has massive levels and often you are old pyrex with worn paint from use. Yet people still use this stuff regularly and collect it. Seems like we're the Romans on some of these use cases. Toys and dishes.
@torn12 RaisingWellKids on insta went into this and basically said take it with a grain of salt but had an interesting view point, it may still be on her stories. She also said she would reach out to Serenity Kids to see if they were going to do any additional third party testing. But I have also heard that LSM does a lot of fear mongering.
@torn12 From a comment on another sub:

“ However, due to the type of cultivation, root vegetables are vulnerable to contaminants from the soil, such as toxic metals (lead and cadmium), pesticides, pharmaceutical residues, microplastics, and nitrates. Regardless, the low levels of toxic substances present in root vegetables do not pose health risks to the average consumer.”
@sferber I completely understand that the nature of root vegetables’s growth means these contaminants are inherent but this article is investigating the amount of contaminants consumed through the lens of “the average consumer” aka the average adult. It does not in any way speak to or investigate the levels exposed to children or any health risks posed to them.
@sferber But the lead ppm content that came back in the test is higher than the "safe" level of lead so I don't understand how it couldn't pose health risks?
@torn12 The reasoning there is no "safe" level of lead. Lead should always be zero but, thanks to leaded gas and beyond it's in our ground and ground water. And things that grow in the ground have lead in it. Even the most organic of organic sweet potatoes have lead in it. Thems the breaks. When you make puffs or concentrated/dried things it makes the stuff in it concentrated as well.
@torn12 Ok so I definitely don’t have time to “make my own flour” like the article suggests…. So aside from that, what snacks are best to serve our toddlers? Not serving ANY processed snacks is not actually realistic for most people… so what am I even supposed to do with this information?
@tanujayawhite How is Lead Safe Mama suggesting that making our own flour is somehow safer than store bought? For whatever reason I can’t click into the link. I think I’d rather check the paint in my house for lead than make my own flour.
@grace_given17 I didn’t read the article but I would imagine that it’s because of contamination from the equipment used in factories to mill the flour. I personally wouldn’t worry too much about that with flour but to each his own.
@blueedgar Yeah I was able to read the link eventually and it’s a fairly vague statement about the machinery used to manufacture flours. Eh. I can’t take her seriously because she makes proclamations like that that aren’t really supported or in her wheelhouse.
@tanujayawhite Fresh produce is always a good snack. Eggs, yogurt, cheese, etc. make great snacks as well. I don’t really worry too much about lead in food but I do try to avoid more processed foods as they are generally not as healthful anyway and it’s one way to cut out contaminants. I wouldn’t worry about store bought flour though personally because I definitely don’t have the time or space to mill my own flour right now, and I’m already providing my family with a much healthier diet than average that’s full of whole foods.
@torn12 The baby food lead fears are always present. I like to focus on my daughter having a varied healthy diet(and yes that includes some puff like foods) and I figure if something in contaminated Atleast it isn’t an everyday food becuase we eat varied and different foods everyday. There is too much to be stressed about so that’s my way of trying to mitigate it
@torn12 I’m unsure about the happy baby ones because those are rice based which I thought we should avoid but now I’m not sure! Maybe I’ll just abandon puffs haha