Baby registry vs. sustainability

@berik How interesting this must really vary by the people you know. I also live in Australia (Queensland) and every baby shower I’ve been to has a registry. I wouldn’t know what to do without one!
@brineheart It's definitely tough. Anything I bought secondhand, I marked as purchased on my registry so people thought someone else had already bought it.

I know some things are expensive, but I didn't put anything on my registry that I wasn't willing to buy out of pocket. We weren't asking for too many things though and put cloth diapers on our registry, so people didn't bring us disposable ones. I did a lot of research to make sure the stuff we were asking for new could be used multiple ways and for many years. The problem was that many of these items didn't exist secondhand near me. So, it was what it was and we'll keep these things for any future kids we have. I'm happy to report that all of the brands we chose to support buying new, all of them had prioritized cardboard only packaging for the most part. It was awesome to see that at least that part didn't just go straight to a landfill.

If you want a "new" baby carrier, pick a brand that isn't available secondhand near you. SO many brands can be found on fb marketplace for like $20-50 and some babies just won't like certain carriers.
@brineheart Hello due date month twin!

For our shower, we are going to ask for no gifts (just a party to celebrate!) or donations instead of gifts. This is partly because we live in a foreign country so travel with stuff would be hard, but I also care very deeply about secondhand where possible and safe.

We’re going expensive on important things like car seat. Second hand for… basically everything else. I have two friends looking to unload newborn stuff so I figure we’ll make due with that until the baby is born and we get to see what s/he wants/needs!
@spiritualseeker Haha hey twin! What’s your date? Mine is February 5 :)

I like this idea too. I’m thinking I’ll balance by keeping a few expensive necessities on there, and then for the other items do the other commenter’s suggestion of putting a pic with no link and saying “something like this, used is good.” I don’t have space constraints, but I DEFINITELY love the idea of encouraging more donations to the Diaper Fund and Future Fund that I included on the page.
@spiritualseeker We also had friends recently who asked for stuff they wanted for their overall house and adventures (like a fancy cooler or an ottoman in the living room) and people got it! If you feel compelled to give people a shopping list, don't restrict yourself to baby stuff cause there's honestly not that much that babies need.
@brineheart If you haven't already, don't announce the sex of your baby. If people know, they'll buy you a lot of gendered clothing that you probably don't want.

The most sustainable way to do this is to limit the amount of stuff you get. We really tried to go for quality over quantity and added everything over $200 as a group gift so people could contribute to them. We actually only got one thing as a group gift, but I felt better about including more expensive items because we weren't expecting anyone to buy them.

I was inclined to let people buy me the good stuff. If you choose high quality items, it'll be a long time before they end up in a landfill anyway, and it prevents people from buying things you don't need or want.
@alliah Oh yes totally agree, we’ve always planned to keep the sex a secret. I do NOT need an ocean of pink bows or blue trucks…when the uber-traditional aunts ask what to get I just say green including money haha
@brineheart I got most of my stuff second hand from Facebook or mom groups for almost nothing and but things we needed to buy new on my registry like a mattress, car seat, breast pump, milk storage bags, wipes etc. I also created some funds like a “my first passport” and “my first savings account”. Even if you tell people it’s ok, so many people feel weird about giving 2nd hand or giving cash. I try to remember gift giving is partially selfish thing and people like to feel good about what they got you.
@brineheart How do you feel about renting? I've built a rental marketplace for children's goods and am debating building out the registry feature now or punting it. Would love to chat!
@revilo Love the rental concept. I probably wouldn’t use a rental registry myself because I don’t want to deal with two registries and I couldn’t (or wouldn’t want to) rent everything I’m registering for, like consumables and pacifiers. But the idea of renting big stuff like cribs and strollers is cool! If people could buy gift cards for the rentals, that might be a good item to add to other generic registries like MyRegistry, Babylist, etc.
@brineheart I recommend Babylist. You can write a whole intro and add your own custom items, like second hand clothes or homemade meals after baby. You can also add specific products/links from anywhere, so you’re not limited to what’s available at one store, nor do you have to create multiple registries.
@brineheart If it's not too late - I would strongly suggest looking at - it's designed so you can link specific items new, or say you want second-hand only, or handmade, or that a variety of options is okay. It's a bit more work to add photos, etc, but kind of blends the opportunity to ask for $ plus in-kind help plus actual items. Our friends used it and that's what I'm planning to use for ours! Anyways, what's really nice is that people get the reminder about considering used (or whatever you indicate) for each item!

Regardless - just wanted to say I feel you on the whole conundrum. I know that we'd like to have at least one more babe after our first (this one), so some of the more expensive items that are baby-use only I'm thinking of as investments. And I'm trying to figure out ways that baby items can become toddler items, or just asking folks for the more expensive but much longer lasting option where I can (like a convertible baby to toddler to kiddo high chair (ie. Stokke Tripp Trapp, or a convertible car seat).